Wednesday, September 18, 2024
"Experiments in Drawing" - drawings from life and a color experiment
Sunday, September 15, 2024
"A Quick Painting from a Life Sketch" - Life Sketch and Painting
I did this quick little painting from the charcoal sketch of the model. Initially I was going to do the whole thing which would include the chair the model was sitting in etc etc, but I ran out of interest and became involved in doing ink drawings of cowboys playing cards. And possibly leading to trouble. 👀
The painting is on 6 x 8" Canson mixed media paper. Am anxious, though, to use my acrylics on Gessobord because I think I'll be more pleased with the brushstrokes. This was interesting to do - next time I'll make color notes about skin, eye and hair color. As always. so grateful to the models. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Saturday, September 07, 2024
"Motherhood" - small acrylic portrait
Thursday, August 29, 2024
"First Weekly Mostly Watercolor Wednesdays" - Figurative watercolors
Monday, July 15, 2024
"Sleep" - original oil pastel portrait
"Tie Down Roper" - ink and watercolor figurative sketch
I did this one rather quickly on 6 x 8" Bristol board - not allowing myself to "finish" it. My favorite way of working! The calf ropers keep the rope they use to tie the calf's legs - I think it might be called a hooey (but don't hold me to it) in their teeth. It was sheer luck to get this view! I'm such a rodeo fan but was never much of a horsewoman - I just admire the athleticism of the participants and the horses. The rodeo in Kimble County, Texas, will be coming up next month - an event not to be missed! Thanks for looking!
Thursday, June 20, 2024
"Fooling Around with Radishes" - original acrylic, wax pastel, colored pencil, graphite and oil pastel panting
Monday, May 06, 2024
"Fiddling Around" - original oil pastel figurative drawing
Monday, April 15, 2024
"White Rose" - original miniature acrylic painting of a rose
Friday, March 08, 2024
"Green Bikini" - mixed media figurative
I did this loose drawing with Derwent Line Maker 0.3. This ink isn't water soluble, so I could do some watercolor over it, and worked a tiny touch of oil pastel over the inside of her hair. Worked well for OP by the way. She actually began life as a nude, but I gave her a green bikini. I love green - it may be my favorite color. And I love Line Maker.
Alas, due to my not being much of a photographer, this piece looks warmer that it really is.😟
Thanks so much for stopping by - great to see y'all here! And I love your emails!💚
Monday, March 04, 2024
Which Pose to Choose?
Yesterday afternoon was spent at South Llano State Park near Junction, Texas, drawing trees. I thought I had done a pretty good job with a cedar stump and was going to post it today. But no. It looked so ridiculous. However, I will get brave and post the next tree drawing - am lately interested in doing dry point etchings of trees. Stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, February 01, 2024
"Sketch of Marilee"
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
"Jacob" - portrait drawing from life
Saturday, December 02, 2023
"Flower Sketch" - original oil pastel drawing of a flower
Trying to get sketches of the last flowers in the garden, I did a quick sketch of this one, a floribunda rose while I had some light.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
"Three Guys" - pen and ink drawing from life
I was running out of room on my page so just drew over previous drawings. I love doing this sort of thing. The drawing is on 6 x 8" paper from a Strathmore Bristol board sketchbook. It's useful sometimes to use a smaller piece of paper than usual and crowd everything on it. A big piece of paper can be a bit intimidating, so for warm-ups I often use a sketchbook this size or maybe 8 x 10". Plus you never know what will develop when there are overlapping figures.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
"Monday's Model" - charcoal drawing from life
It's kind of a different experience using Zoom since I can connect with a life drawing group anywhere. In this case, instead of my studio, I was in my kitchen, of all places. And although this was a 40-minute pose, there seemed to be a few distractions that cut into my drawing time (possibly due to my usual disorganization😉), but it's still a great way to get life drawing time in without having to drive. I highly recommend it! Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Black and White Variety - drawings from life
Here are some of my life drawing efforts - mostly quick pieces, which are my favorite. I learn a lot from this kind of work even if I don't finish and there are mistakes because it sharpens my drawing skills. I used Sharpies and charcoal on these fun pieces. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Sketch of Janie - original oil pastel portrait drawing
This loose drawing is one I copied from a more serious piece that I did in a life drawing group. I was getting ready to send the first one to File 13, but gave it another life here. I allowed myself maybe 10 minutes and went crazy. Done on sanded pastel paper with mostly Sennelier and some Caran d'Ache and CrayPas Specialist oil pastels, it's about 7 x 10". I never stop loving my oil pastels - more artists should try them - whether drawing or painting, they're up for anything! Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Chess Game - Original oil pastel portrait drawing
Kind of intense game between these two and I had to make my move while I could. I'm always so happy to have models even if that's not what they had in mind! I scribbled this one on 16 x 20" Canson Mi-Teintes board with Sennelier oil pastels. It was so rewarding to draw quickly without thinking - just one's reaction to the model(s) is really deeply satisfying. Same way with the "Seated Nude #45" that I posted a day or so ago. Somehow looseness (is that a word?) in artwork is so gratifying for
Friday, September 15, 2023
Seated Nude #45 - original charcoal figurative drawing
More loose and fun for me than usual. About 6 x 5" on toned gray Strathmore paper. I'm working on some 4 x 4" paintings and other
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Drawing Practice - Original charcoal figurative drawings
Every day I draw something - here's from yesterday. The day before that it was two or three landscapes. I'm kind of hooked on the male torso from ancient times - someday, maybe, I'll do it perfectly. Maybe. The first of these is an improvement on a drawing I did in a drawing group. The last is a copy from a book - and I admit it needs some work.😀 Thanks for stopping by and looking at my efforts!
Friday, September 08, 2023
More Jivers - Original Figurative Drawing
This 11 x 14" charcoal and ink drawing on Bristol board was a challenge because of the woman's turn of her leg - always kind of tough to depict, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Just put on the music and drew these two jivers - much fun! I teetered on overworking this piece but held off - thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, June 22, 2023
"My Favorite Season" - original ink and watercolor figurative drawing
Thursday, June 15, 2023
"We Demand to be 'Just' a Drawing!" - ink and charcoal figurative line drawing
Here's a drawing that I love but simply cannot paint. Painting from this piece just eludes me. This happens a lot - I guess because when I do the drawing, so often I'm actually looking at the dancers (in the dark, I just move the pencil or pen on the paper without looking) and the drawing actually captures what I'm seeing. Painting it later just doesn't seem to do it justice sometimes. Too stiff, maybe? You can see a few lines I drew later to see where to place on canvas. Anyway, I love this couple because they're determined to be what they are and I support them in being a drawing and never feeling they must be represented in paint. All of this said by a Lover of Drawings!!!!! It's about 10 x 10". Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, May 28, 2023
"Sketch of Alexis" - mixed media portrait sketch
Monday, May 15, 2023
"The Violinist" - original charcoal and oil pastel portrait drawing
and then moving to Caran d'Ache oil pastel. The (unsuspecting) model was in a quartet I was lucky to see and being close to the musicians, I zeroed in on this violinist. It's totally a memory drawing, but I think really pretty accurate. I love drawing musicians as much as I love drawing dancers. Gotta have music to dance, right? The support for this piece is the carton board (carton is supposed to have an accent over the "o" but I don't know how to do it) from Guerrilla Painters. I love this stuff. It's great for oil pastel, charcoal, oil, acrylic and others, too, I'm sure. If I use it for oil, I use clear gesso so I don't lose the beautiful color, which would happen if I used regular gesso. With oil pastel, I just draw directly on the paper since OP contains a different type of oil that won't damage the support. And the carton will then be bonded to museum board for extra strength. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, April 30, 2023
"Maiko #5 "- original oil pastel portrait
Monday, April 17, 2023
"Zara in a Peasant Blouse" - original oil pastel figurative
Thursday, February 09, 2023
"Just A Little Ink Sketch"- original ink life drawing of a nude
Sunday, January 29, 2023
"40's Jive" - original ink and watercolor figurative drawing
This drawing is totally loose and undirected with absolutely no thought to the end result. Shouldn't admit it, but yeah, that's the truth. I just put splashes of color here and there and basically had a great time. Sometimes I think I'd like to make wire sculptures of dancers and this sort of has the same fun feel to it. About 5 1/2 x 8" on Canson mixed media paper. Thanks so much for stopping by!