Showing posts with label jivers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jivers. Show all posts

Friday, September 08, 2023

More Jivers - Original Figurative Drawing

Figurative Line Drawing, Black and White, Movement, Loose

 This 11 x 14" charcoal and ink drawing on Bristol board was a challenge because of the woman's turn of her leg - always kind of tough to depict, but I'm happy with how it turned out.  Just put on the music and drew these two jivers - much fun! I teetered on overworking this piece but held off - thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sweet Jive - original oil pastel figurative

loose line drawing with oil pastel scribbles of jive dancers
I love the looseness I can get with oil pastel and fairly gritty surfaces (in this case Ampersand Pastelbord).  Lines, scribbles and emotion always make me feel like I've done something with my day!  I used Holbein oil pastel on this 7 x 5" piece.  Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Jive Scribbles #5 - charcoal figurative drawings

I left the far right dancers totally unfinished - or maybe just barely begun.  The drawing is vine charcoal on Strathmore Windpower recycled drawing paper, 11 x 14".  Thanks for visiting my blog!

Friday, December 01, 2017

Monday, February 06, 2017

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Jivebabies - original figurative oil painting

This little painting on 6 x 6" Gessobord was done from my post from last night - the dancers in the lower left of the picture.  It's done a little looser than usual and it was so much fun to do.  And easy, too, with the drawing already done.  I find that takes off a lot of time, although drawing with my brush is great, as well - now that I think about it, I don't know which works the best. Setting my timer is a great help - no noodling when that thing ticks away!  Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Jive Scribble - original charcoal figurative drawing

Trying to capture the energy here - will probably end up with a little painting from this one.  I did the drawing on Strathmore 14 x 11" Mixed Media paper - actually more of a sketchbook, I think, and I really like using it.  Also used General's Peel n Sketch charcoal pencil.  Thanks for looking!