I love doing these kind of drawings - maybe a minute or two. They're fun and helpful in quickly 'estimating' where the different body parts are in relation to each other - plus they can be entertaining to look at. The pens used were by Derwent and Itoya - such different creatures from each other but both great to draw with. The paper I drew on is actually white, but my photography skills. . . oh well. 😕
Sunday, January 19, 2025
A Few Quick Figurative Drawings from Life - pen and ink drawings
I love doing these kind of drawings - maybe a minute or two. They're fun and helpful in quickly 'estimating' where the different body parts are in relation to each other - plus they can be entertaining to look at. The pens used were by Derwent and Itoya - such different creatures from each other but both great to draw with. The paper I drew on is actually white, but my photography skills. . . oh well. 😕
Friday, October 25, 2024
"A Little Ink Drama" - original ink drawings from life with a bit of white chalk
Here are a few drawings from a life drawing group that had a great model. All of her poses were so good and she could hold the long ones as well as the short ones, too.
The thing about drawing from life using ink is that it's a great drawing teacher - the marks are there to stay and we can learn what we did wrong - well maybe not wrong, just not what we intended. While they can't be changed (although marks can be modified in interesting ways with non-waterproof ink) I always learn something from my ink drawings. Mainly, though, I love ink drawings because they show what you're thinking - or how you react to the model - at the moment you put pen to paper.
I used Itoya calligraphy pens and Derwent Line Makers on Strathmore Mixed Media paper and added a little Derwent Chinese White drawing pencil on the front figure because I thought I got the shadow under her neck a little dark. Did I cheat a teensy bit? Artistic License😉. Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
"Three Guys" - pen and ink drawing from life
I was running out of room on my page so just drew over previous drawings. I love doing this sort of thing. The drawing is on 6 x 8" paper from a Strathmore Bristol board sketchbook. It's useful sometimes to use a smaller piece of paper than usual and crowd everything on it. A big piece of paper can be a bit intimidating, so for warm-ups I often use a sketchbook this size or maybe 8 x 10". Plus you never know what will develop when there are overlapping figures.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Black and White Variety - drawings from life
Here are some of my life drawing efforts - mostly quick pieces, which are my favorite. I learn a lot from this kind of work even if I don't finish and there are mistakes because it sharpens my drawing skills. I used Sharpies and charcoal on these fun pieces. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Ink Dancers #3 - original ink drawing of tango dancers
Here's a quick ink drawing that I did with ink pen and brush. The ink was water soluble of course, which made it so much fun and totally unpredictable. I don't remember the nib I used to do the lines - I love using different nibs - then went over it to restate some of the outlines after it was dry. And not "finishing" it also appeals to my art senses. This piece is 8 x 6" on mixed media paper. Thanks for looking!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Jive Scribbles No. 7 - how I draw jive dancers
I was lucky to be at a jitterbug exhibition where it would have been so awkward to pull out my pencil and paper, plus it was really dark where we were sitting. And anyway, I've decided that in these instances, memory is better, even if you can only remember one bit of the dance. (The reason for that approach is that when you're drawing - unless you're doing a blind gesture - you'll miss lots of the actual dancing because it goes so fast.)
So when I returned to the studio, I streamed some oldies jitterbug music like "Tutti Frutti","Whole Lot of Shakin Goin On", "Rock Around the Clock" - great jive music. And, using the fine point pen, drew just a bit of what I remembered from the dancers' movements and then keeping my pen on one part of the gesture, began another drawing of the same subject in a slightly different position. I love that layered look for drawings! And having the jitterbug music on is kind of an inspiration and helps me to remember more of what happened on the dance floor. It reminds me not to get tight and to just let the lines flow.
Worked my way across the page - only drew a couple of gestures before the main drawing, but sometimes I do a lot more of the fine line gestures - and then end up doing a bolder line drawing. I added a few smudges of charcoal in the center. The little gestures on the bottom are there because I was just fooling around while listening to the music - I never meant to post this - it's just a stream of consciousness kind of thing. This drawing is on 16 x 20" Canson board. Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, November 09, 2018
Line Jive - ink figurative drawing of dancers
Thursday, November 01, 2018
Workingman - original ink/acrylic figurative drawing
Friday, August 10, 2018
Cool Jive - original ink and crayon figurative drawing of jive dancers
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Lindy Seated - original ink figurative drawing
Friday, July 07, 2017
Baseball Doodles - figurative ink drawings
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Cowboy Fiddler - original pen and ink figurative sketch
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Sparring in My Sketchbook - original ink figurative drawing with touches of white pencil
Thursday, March 02, 2017
Dancers In Lines - original ink marker figurative drawing
Sunday, October 02, 2016
Ink Folk Dancer - original figurative ink drawing
I was pleased with this one - not easy to draw when someone is dancing - they just go off and leave me working on three or four steps ago. Funny thing - didn't realize I was drawing on the other side of a jive dancing ink couple that I enjoyed doing - something about her foot that I hadn't captured before, plus a turn in her torso. I never finished the guy, though, and instead, will probably just use the girl dancer in another drawing or painting. I love the way these dancers move in and out of my life. Never know when I'll see them again, but they're always there, just waiting to dance for me.
Friday, September 09, 2016
New Pen, New Dancers - original figurative ink drawing
This drawing is also an audition for the dancers on the page. Some will get to stay with me, but as for others, they will have to go back for a few modifications. See? You thought I'd say 'drawing board'. On 5.5 x 8" mixed media paper - thanks for stopping by!