Thursday, June 20, 2024

"Fooling Around with Radishes" - original acrylic, wax pastel, colored pencil, graphite and oil pastel panting

mixed media painting of radishes, colorful, vegetable painting
Some of my radishes from earlier in the summer made it as subjects for an 8 x 8" painting on Gessobord.  I thought they were pretty and just arranged them first this way and that.  I then drew them loosely with graphite, then painted with acrylic and topped the whole thing off with wax pastels, colored pencils, and oil pastels. The kitchen sink, you might say.  

This exercise in using mainly drawing tools convinced me that I'm basically a drawer - okay, draftsman, sketcher - not so much a painter - and am always trying to figure out ways to use oil paint in my drawings on board because they won't need to be framed under glass.  My latest idea is to cut oil sticks (not oil pastels, but actual oil sticks) into smaller pieces to make them easier to work with for drawings.  The main reason I seldom use oil sticks is their size.  Years ago, Winsor & Newton had 'slim' oil sticks, I think they were called, and they were great, but then they were discontinued, which was such a disappointment.  I find it really difficult to use these bigger sticks.  They're just too fat!  So now I'm going to try and draw with smaller pieces of this medium.  My oil stick 'collection' includes R&F, which is just wonderful,  Sennelier,  Winsor & Newton, and Shiva.  Surely I can find a way to make this plan of mine work!

Thanks for stopping by!


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