Not being much of a chess player myself, I was totally absorbed in the expressions of the players and since I only had them for a little while, they were my focus. As for the chess pieces, they were on their own, plus, they kept moving! Go figure.
Sorry for not posting more often, but it's that time of year - today it was my
Lizzano tomatoes, which I'm actually growing in pots where the deer could get them, but I've wrapped them in netting. That's a huge pain, but an absolute must in this area.
Okay, back to art - this drawing from life was done with mostly Sennelier oil pastels on light green Mi-Teintes board, 16 x 20". If you haven't tried this surface, you should really check it out. It's the textured side of Mi-Teintes paper, but in board form. I think this surface helps to keep drawings loose, because it's tough and time-consuming to work in a tight manner on this board. My opinion, anyway. Thanks so much for stopping by!