Showing posts with label drawing from life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing from life. Show all posts

Monday, March 04, 2024

Which Pose to Choose?

flamenco dancer ink drawing, black and white art, expressive, motion, movementI was trying to decide on a "pose" for a flamenco painting - so I went through a few of my drawings to find one I liked.  The first one I did from life and was quickly drawn - much lighter because I was using a smaller nib and I was scribbling furiously to capture the dancer's motion.

 But the second one below is one that I did while looking at the first drawing - because I didn't really like the position of the dancer's left arm in the first drawing.  My take is that the first one is much better and has more energy to it.  (All the lines on her arm help me when I'm dealing with foreshortening.). The second drawing seems so still by comparison.  I do like the lines on it, but I had more time to incorporate a variety of lines with that one.
So I guess this post is just about me telling myself once again that drawing from life is the absolute best way to record movement!  Will paint from the first one - maybe move her arm a little and paint quickly while I listen to music for flamenco dancing.

Yesterday afternoon was spent at South Llano State Park near Junction, Texas, drawing trees.  I thought I had done a pretty good job with a cedar stump and was going to post it today.  But no.  It looked so ridiculous.  However, I will get brave and post the next tree drawing - am lately interested in doing dry point etchings of trees.  Stay tuned.  Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Three Guys" - pen and ink drawing from life

ink drawing, male model, black and white drawing

 I was running out of room on my page so just drew over previous drawings.  I love doing this sort of thing.  The drawing is on 6 x 8" paper from a Strathmore Bristol board sketchbook.  It's useful sometimes to use a smaller piece of paper than usual and crowd everything on it. A big piece of paper can be a bit intimidating, so for warm-ups I often use a sketchbook this size or maybe 8 x 10".  Plus you never know what will develop when there are overlapping figures. 
On this one I used an Itoya calligraphy pen with two tips (mostly used the smaller one), an ultra fine Sharpie,  and a Derwent Line Maker that was included in a little painting/drawing kit that I received as a gift.  Mine is a 0.3 and I really like it, and would like to try a couple more sizes.  
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

"Monday's Model" - charcoal drawing from life

Lately I've been indulging in life drawing sessions on Zoom and am loving it!  This drawing was done  with General Pencil Co. Peel 'n' Sketch charcoal and Primo charcoal - both SO wonderful - on Strathmore toned paper.

It's kind of a different experience using Zoom since I can connect with a life drawing group anywhere.  In this case, instead of my studio, I was in my kitchen, of all places.  And although this was a 40-minute pose, there seemed to be a few distractions that cut into my drawing time (possibly due to my usual disorganization😉),  but it's still a great way to get life drawing time in without having to drive.  I highly recommend it!  Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Black and White Variety - drawings from life

Here are some of my life drawing efforts - mostly quick pieces, which are my favorite.  I learn a lot from this kind of work even if I don't finish and there are mistakes because it sharpens my drawing skills.  I used Sharpies and charcoal on these fun pieces.  Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Seated Nude - charcoal drawing of a nude model

My most fun art thing - drawing from the model.  I love the emotion that shows in the posture of every person, whether they are posing in the studio, or maybe visiting with friends or reading a book, whatever - it keeps me on my artistic toes.
In this case, I found the dignity in the pose so beautiful. And, of course, my usual complaint -  there's never enough time to do everything in a timed drawing, so I went for some lost and found lines in this piece. It's about 9 x 9" - on Strathmore toned paper, using the ever wonderful vine charcoal.  Thanks for looking!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Soulful Bridgette - original charcoal portrait drawing

Female model looking down drawn in charcoal on pale blue paper
An all-time favorite of mine - drawing from the posed model. And she is a great model, too! Some things I could change, but not going to because it was my reaction to her that I want to save.
 This drawing is on pale blue Stonehenge paper, which I absolutely love (it doesn't really look blue in the photo, but that's my fault), using soft vine charcoal. Stonehenge is fabulous for charcoal drawings, as well as oil pastel and several other media.  I guess I'm talking about Stonehenge because there were many comments in the drawing group about this lovely paper, which I have used for years, and I just thought it deserved mention. Although I use all of the Stonehenge colors, this pale blue is beautiful.  You can visit Legion paper - the company that produces Stonehenge here.   And it's made  in America!👍
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, June 15, 2018

"Nude with Earrings" - original oil pastel painting of a nude

I've always loved back views because they are mysterious and actually very challenging.  I worked here to get the values correct.  And just to be completely true to myself, I didn't add color to her left leg.  Drawing - my true love!  Using Sennelier oil pastels, I painted this piece on 12 x 9" Colourfix paper.  Thanks so much for looking!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

"Black Dress" - oil pastel drawing of the model

I loved drawing this model - there's nothing like drawing from life!  I used a sketchy scribbling with my oil pastel to (I hope) capture her pose and, yes, could have "finished" it more, but then it wouldn't have been as much fun.  About 9 x 9" on Colourfix paper.  Thanks for visiting Hackberry Street Studio!

Thursday, April 05, 2018

A Quick Life Drawing - original charcoal life drawing

I came across this drawing today from several months ago - it illustrates my favorite art thing to do which is drawing quickly without thinking - just reacting to the model.  This kind of approach often produces something unexpected, but always interesting and full of life.  In this drawing, I'm most pleased with her hair and the tilt of her head because it's done with economy plus it has a bit of an Oriental feel to it.  And I was also happy that I didn't overwork her hand.  Charcoal on paper.  Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Drawing of a Nude - charcoal life drawing

This charcoal life drawing was quick and needs some "fixing", but I know every time I do that, I just mess it up, so just leaving it alone.  It's on 9 x 12" paper.  Thanks for looking!

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Trish - original charcoal nude drawing

This charcoal nude is on 12 x 9" Strathmore drawing paper using vine charcoal - drawing is about 9 x 7".  Thanks for looking!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lindy Sleeping - original charcoal figurative drawing

Here's a sketch from life of a sleeping girl - done with compressed charcoal (not my favorite, but okay once in a while) on Bristol paper.  It's about 11 x 14".  I could clean it up, but this is just a quick sketch after all, and I'm always inclined to overdo the cleaning up, so am just leaving it alone.  This is probably one I could use for a painting.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lexie Just Thinking - original charcoal figurative drawing

I always wonder what the model is thinking and how she can possibly stay awake.  They earn their pay!  This one was done with responsive vine charcoal on Bristol paper, 14 x 11".  Thanks for looking!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Small Sanguine Portrait - original watermedia portrait sketch

Here's a small sanguine Caran d'Ache Neocolor II drawing I did around Thanksgiving.  I painted it on Yupo - I can't even explain why I love this surface so much. It just allows you to be expressive without fearing you'll break rules - brush this way, brush that way, take a pen and go hog wild.  It doesn't really matter.  Whatever happens, it's good - and fun, too. Neocolor II is the water-soluble version of Caran d'Ache's wax crayon - with the addition of  a little water, it just blossoms.  Very satisfying to use.  This portrait is about 7 x 6".  Got to get some sleep now, getting up early for exercise class early in the morning - have to get those Fitbit steps going!  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Nude on Thursday - original charcoal drawing of a nude model

Just about my favorite subject to draw - the nude from life.  I love poses where the model is looking away and this drawing fills the bill.  Hoping to make it into a painting to see if I can capture her air of mystery.  On 9 x 12" Borden & Riley Paris paper for pens.  Thanks for looking!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Janie - original charcoal portrait drawing of a young woman

This little portrait - on 12 x 9" Canson illustration paper - is one of my all time favorites, because I feel I captured the slight smile (which at times verged on a bit of a smirk) and her reserve.  And also because it's not what one would call finished.  Works for me.  The paper is 150 pound - nice and hefty and great for the side of a little piece of vine charcoal, which is what I used, except for a few lines here and there.  Thanks for visiting my blog!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Two Nudes - original charcoal nude drawing

Here are two more nudes from the latest drawing session.  Done on Strathmore drawing paper, about 14 x 9".  I drew while listening to "music" that sounded like pots and pans banging around.  I am not kidding - but it was a mostly youngish group and since I was the newcomer, I couldn't say anything.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nude in a Yellow Chair - original oil pastel nude painting

This oil pastel is painted on 12 x 9" Guerilla carton board.  Wonderful stuff.  I just ordered some Caran d'Ache oil pastels because I think they will work really well on this surface.  I was going to do something with the background, but didn't have time, and didn't really get much of a finish on the model, either, but maybe next time.  Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday's Model - original oil pastel drawing of a nude

Using carton board, I started this drawing with Crayolas, but decided I needed a little more 'oomph', so went for my wonderful Sennelier oil pastels.  They never disappoint.  It's on 12 x 9" carton, but I cropped it - in the photo only - to about 11 x 5".  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Chess Players - original oil pastel portrait drawing

Not being much of a chess player myself, I was totally absorbed in the expressions of the players and since I only had them for a little while, they were my focus.  As for the chess pieces, they were on their own, plus, they kept moving!  Go figure. 
Sorry for not posting more often, but it's that time of year - today it was my Lizzano tomatoes, which I'm actually growing in pots where the deer could get them, but I've wrapped them in netting.  That's a huge pain, but an absolute must in this area. 
Okay, back to art - this drawing from life was done with mostly Sennelier oil pastels on light green Mi-Teintes board, 16 x 20".  If you haven't tried this surface, you should really check it out.  It's the textured side of Mi-Teintes paper, but in board form.  I think this surface helps to keep drawings loose, because it's tough and time-consuming to work in a tight manner on this board.  My opinion, anyway.  Thanks so much for stopping by!