Showing posts with label charcoal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charcoal. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Drawing Practice - Original charcoal figurative drawings

Every day I draw something - here's from yesterday.  The day before that it was two or three landscapes.  I'm kind of hooked on the male torso from ancient times - someday, maybe, I'll do it perfectly.  Maybe.  The first of these is an improvement on a drawing I did in a drawing group.  The last is a copy from a book - and I admit it needs some work.😀 Thanks for stopping by and looking at my efforts!

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Della - original charcoal and pastel portrait

This drawing is one that I think will end up as a painting.  Her solemn demeanor appealed to me so much  - didn't have enough time to add more details and maybe that's a good thing since her face and hair seem to be the most important.  But we'll see. Sometimes when I turn things into a painting, there's a totally different result - probably happens to y'all sometimes too - right?  I did this on Strathmore 12 x 9" toned blue paper, using General Pencil Co Peel and Sketch charcoal, plus their compressed pastels.  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Mixed Media Figures - original mixed media figurative drawings

Loose portrait of woman and contour drawing of woman with fan
 Just having fun - moving forward without any plan at all.  These two drawings have absolutely no connection to each other except for being on the same page.  The squinting woman and the contour drawing of the lady with a fan are even from two different drawing groups - being economical with paper, I guess.  The unfinished painting has so many media that I'm not sure I can remember them all, but here goes -  watercolor, watercolor pencil, ink, charcoal and acrylic (whew) and the contour drawing is simply charcoal pencil. On 8 x 10" Canson Mixed Media plein aire board, which is so sturdy and a real delight to work on - I love it!  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Couple of Baseball sketches - charcoal drawings

I have pages of these, but kinda liked these two - seemed to have the fire.  Keep hoping for the O's but alas - maybe next year.  Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Looking Around - mixed media figurative

I slathered acrylic paint on paper pretty thickly, then drew with a General's Peel & Sketch charcoal pencil, and worked over that with oil pastel.  Kind of a quick, frantic piece done from one of my old black and white drawings.  Oil pastel works so great over acrylic - really just glides over the surface.  On 9 x 12" Strathmore acrylic paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Folksinger - original charcoal figurative drawing

Nothing like a musician to get the charcoal working.  Really good performance by this guy and I feel I really captured him.  This drawing is on mixed media paper, about 10 x 7".  Thanks for looking!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sketch for Torrid Tango - original charcoal figurative drawing

Loving the tango as I do, it's always fun to draw or paint dancers of this emotional and elegant dance.  Well, I'm not so sure this is pose could be called elegant, but it's definitely emotional!  It's matted to about 14 x 11 1/2".  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Girl at Our Table - original charcoal figurative drawing

I, with my little sketchbook, am such a pest, but it's worth it to get drawings of people.  I just told her to go ahead and talk and visit and pay no attention to me.  Every time she turned my way, my charcoal suddenly became very busy.  Since she was with friends of mine, it worked out well.  It's from my 8 x 6" sketchbook.  Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Pitcher - original ink and charcoal figurative drawing

I was so lucky to see TWO Astros games last weekend - here's one of the sketches I did there.  It's ink except for touches of charcoal for a little shading.  I never ever tire of the drama of baseball and always marvel at the skill required to play it well.  This is drawn on 9 x 12" Borden and Riley Paris Paper for Pens.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Nude with Her Cell - original charcoal drawing of a nude

It's always so great to have a model, that if they need to talk on their cell - or whatever - it's okay.  Good models are hard to find - or maybe I should say - models are hard to find, whether good or bad.  This one was good, I'm happy to say.  Vine charcoal on drawing paper, it's about 13 x 6".  Thanks for looking.  Steaming in Texas tonight - after 11 o'clock right now and it's 86 degrees!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Participant - original quick portrait sketch from life

This young woman was a participant in a life drawing group I attended recently and I did this little sketch while the model was getting into the next pose.   My subject would have made a fantastic model!  She had a beautiful face that reminded me of a Renaissance painting and it would have been great to sketch her when she turned her head my way, but she seldom did, so I have to rely on memory.  That's one of the things I love about life drawing groups, it's always so relaxed, and between poses, there are people sketching the other attendees, the room, the easels, you name it!  It's a life drawer's fantasy.  I drew her with vine charcoal on 12 x 9" Strathmore drawing paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 01, 2013

Chaos - original charcoal life drawings

Sort of weird, I know, but I just like to draw the model in really short poses over other really short poses.  Previous poses are often obliterated, but I'm mainly interested in line variety. This is vine charcoal on Strathmore drawing paper, 18 x 24".
More about the knowing people through drawings thing I mentioned in my previous post.  When I said I was looking for line variety in the above paragraph, it's one of the things that thrills me about drawing.  When I was little, one of my aunties - I loved her dearly - would always draw for me 'the old, poor cow' and laugh and make fun of her inability to draw. Well, I LOVED those drawings, but I didn't know why.  Now I understand that she had just naturally and unknowingly used a weighted line.  The 'old, poor cow' was simply beautiful!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feelin' the Beat - original charcoal figurative drawing

Drawing these figures is so much fun for me and I never really know how they'll turn out. Sometimes they lead to a painting, but I'm such a fan of drawings and think they stand on their own as works of art. This drawing is on Strathmore Bristol paper, 6 x 6". Thanks so much for stopping by!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Black and White Tango - original figurative charcoal drawing

This drawing is charcoal on 5 x 5" bristol board. I love the way vine charcoal just sits on top of bristol board. The drawing was done quickly and I will probably use it as a model for a tango painting. Thanks for looking.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Drawing for Flamenco - original charcoal figurative drawing

I am continuing my series of flamenco dancers and this is one of the drawings I will be using for these Spanish dancer paintings. It's charcoal on 14 x 11" Strathmore drawing paper. In a few minutes, I'll post the miniature painting that I did from this drawing.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Heather - drawing of a nude model

I loved drawing Heather, who takes beautiful, graceful poses and is able to hold them so well. I hope to do a painting from the drawing - tomorrow if everything works out okay. I like to work quickly and loosely. Some of my artist friends have said to me "Connie, you're just a loose woman". Maybe. But only in art.

This drawing is vine charcoal on Strathmore drawing paper about 10 x 14". Thanks for dropping by! SOLD