Showing posts with label figurative mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label figurative mixed media. Show all posts

Friday, March 08, 2024

"Green Bikini" - mixed media figurative

ink, watercolor, oil pastel, figurative, green, drawing
I bought some cold press 8 x 8"watercolor paper at Hobby Lobby and was just trying it to see how it would work for oil pastel, but ended up doing mostly watercolor on it.  And you know, I'm no watercolorist!  I think it would be really good for tight watercolor work - meaning the watercolor didn't spread much - at least,  that's how I plan to use it.  (I don't really know watercolor terms, but it was easier to control on this paper.) I love Hobby Lobby and while I used to be able to find sheets of very "different" drawing papers, like one with inclusions or interesting surfaces, haven't found them lately.   Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but I'm a paper addict.  You should see my studio.  Paper!  All kinds!  Everywhere!  I'm trying to organize, but what a task!  

I did this loose drawing with Derwent Line Maker 0.3.  This ink isn't water soluble, so I could do some  watercolor over it, and worked a tiny touch of oil pastel over the inside of her hair.  Worked well for OP by the way.  She actually began life as a nude, but I gave her a green bikini.  I love green - it may be my favorite color.  And I love Line Maker.

Alas, due to my not being much of a photographer, this piece looks warmer that it really is.😟

Thanks so much for stopping by - great to see y'all here! And I love your emails!💚

Friday, May 11, 2018

Fixing Her Shoe - figurative drawing of a ballerina/ballet dancer

Getting ready to dance, this young ballet dancer readies her shoes - charcoal and oil pastel on Art Spectrum Colourfix paper, 12 x 9".  Thanks for visiting my blog!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Red, White and Blue Jive - original mixed media figurative drawing

Just a fun drawing using a little of this, a little of that - specifically, ink, watercolor, colored pencil, oil pastel. Quick and a pleasure to do - no looking back. I loved her position, looking back at him, who seems to be in another world.  It's on 6 x 8" mixed media paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Nudes Over Nudes - original mixed media drawings of nudes

As I was taking the photo for this post, I laid the oil pastel drawing on top of the ink drawing and realized - hey I like this! - and since I'm always looking for a way to have my line drawings along with paintings, I think I've found it!  One of life's little happy accidents.  The bottom drawing is brown Sharpie ultra fine on 9 x 12" watercolor paper and the top is oil pastel on 8 x 6" mixed media paper.  Can't wait to combine this technique on one canvas.  Do y'all love making discoveries in your art unintentionally like this?  I'll bet it's a pretty usual art experience for artists.  Thanks for looking!

Friday, December 04, 2015

Sketch of a Guitarist - original charcoal/watersoluble pencil figurative drawing

This drawing is on paper for pens, but I think it makes a nice surface for other media, too.  Will probably use this drawing for a flamenco painting.  Lately, I seem to be as interested in the musicians as the dancers  The paper is 12 x 9".  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blue Jivers Again - original ink and watercolor figurative drawing

I must have a new fave - black ink or marker with touches of blue watercolor.  Actually I love so many kinds of media - no end to the fun!  As much as I adore my tango dancers, I'm crazy about the energy of the jivers - they never tire.  For this 6 x 6" Bristol paper piece, I used a black Sharpie.  Other favorites are Prismacolor markers and Itoya.  Added a little watercolor just for fun.  Thanks for visiting my blog!

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ink Jivers - original mixed media ink figurative drawing

They're back and seem to be enjoying themselves, as they always do.  Drawn quickly - I know you can tell - using an Itoya pen and Crayola, this little piece is on cold press watercolor paper, 5 1/2 x 7 1/2".  Thanks so much for stopping by!