Showing posts with label drawing of a woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing of a woman. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2020

Sketch of the Model in a Black Robe - original oil pastel figurative

seated woman looking down wearing black robe loose painting
I love when the model is just relaxing - not worrying about maintaining a pose - and waiting until the break is over.  This 11 x 10" oil pastel is done with Sennelier oil pastels on Strathmore acrylic paper, which I like for its "canvasy" pattern and the 246 lb. weight.  Very sturdy!  I also like using this paper for acrylic brush drawings - give it a try.  Thanks for looking!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Profile in Charcoal - original charcoal drawing of woman in kimono

charcoal drawing of woman in profile
Love these profiles - this is a quick one in charcoal on 12 x 9" smooth Colourfix paper.  Not a lot of grit to it (what did I expect when it says "smooth") and I like it a lot for pastel pencils, not so sure about using it when drawing with charcoal.  It'll be okay with oil pastel, but won't hold lots of layers, so I'd better work at getting it right the first time and not piling it on the way I ususally do.  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 04, 2018

In the Dark - portrait sketch of the model with white pencil on black paper

It's been so long since I did this kind of drawing that I was kind of lost, but maybe I'll get the hang of it again.  I used a white pencil on black drawing paper.  Many years ago, I did drawings of Greek statues using this method and loved it, but then got distracted by some other medium and never went back, but now am thinking it could be fun!  This sketch is about 11 x 11" - thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Salsa Gal in Black and White - original charcoal figurative Latin dancer

I drew this from another earlier drawing and plan to make a painting from it, but of course, need to add a guy, so have been looking through all my drawings of male dancers.  It's kind of a trip down memory lane to see all these old drawings - many of which I did years and years ago.

Although it's a pretty loose, I did concentrate on her hands and head, which will help me when I do the painting because that won't be so loose.  My challenge with the painting will be the placement of the male dancer.  What fun I'll have with this one!

Am listening to Don Winslow's Dawn Patrol while I work on drawings yesterday and today.  I used to hear about multi-tasking being good for you, but now am reading that it's bad for one's brain.  What?!!  It's always something!  Thanks for stopping by Hackberry Street Studio.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Quick Drawing of a Seated Woman - oil pastel portrait drawing

I got lucky with this one - not too many folks will sit still for a few minutes so I can attempt to capture them on my paper.  Got lucky here! Spent the most time on her face and was sketchy with everything else   Good practice.  12 x 9".  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Dancer's Nap - oil pastel figurative

I bought some of the 6 x 12" landscape Pastelbord panels and have used a few for just that purpose,  but I just couldn't resist this pose from an earlier drawing.  Plus, she looked like a torch singer, and for some reason, I have such a soft spot for these ladies.   I left many of the lines, because I'm always looking for a way to keep from covering all the lines with paint - or, in this case, oil pastel.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Easy Listening - original pastel pencil portrait drawing


                                                                          After a long day - nothing like some 'easy listening' music - at least that's what I hear.  For me, though, it has to be something with a beat.  Right now I'm listening to salsa music, mixed with a little jive - of course, I had a really good day with no problems, so maybe I wouldn't want the zippy stuff if I were really tired.  This woman is being rejuvenated by the soothing music, which is perfect for both of us.  She is very still and, therefore, a good model.  She's happy - I'm happy.
This drawing is on 12 x 9" Colourfix paper - fresh grey color.  The problem with drawings that aren't "finished" is where do I stop?  I'm tempted to work on the chair, but won't because I think I've covered all the bases without doing that.  And if I do "finish" it and then decide I shouldn't have done it,  it's too late - can't be undone.  Same with her other leg.  Decisions, decisions.  Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Morning - original graphite portrait drawing

I started this drawing from life, but as often happens, I eventually had to rely on a photograph, which isn't as good, but I was grateful for at least a little time with a model.  Not usually a fan of drawing with graphite, I loved doing this one with a set of General's woodless graphite pencils in HB, 2B, 4B and 6B - also comes with a sharpener - I just love kits!  This drawing is about 11 x 12" on Strathmore mixed media paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

On My Easel - original oil pastel figurative in progress

I worked today on this drawing of the model on Strathmore 403 oil pastel paper - listed as pastel paper - but is originally for oil pastel and it is absolutely wonderful for this medium.  I love this model and the poses she takes.  It's 12 x 9" and the paper is a little more gray blue and darker, but if you read my blog, you know about my photographic limitations.  Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Woman in a Chair with a Fan - original charcoal figurative sketch

This drawing is one that I hope to turn into a painting - just working out some details.  Actually, she looks a little sad - got to fix that.  Or maybe not.  It's on 14 x 17" Strathmore drawing paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Songbird - original charcoal portrait sketch

I finished this sketch in the allotted time - I think it was 15 minutes - I should have gotten much farther along, but oh well.  If I noodle with it now, it will be ruined, for sure.  The model did a little singing for us and she was really good.  I like knowing more about the models and am so happy when they tell us what they do in their daily lives.  Helps make more of a connection between artist and model.  This charcoal drawing is on Strathmore 12 x 9" pastel 403 paper.  Thanks for looking!

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Few Minutes with Steffi - original oil pastel portrait drawing

This quick drawing of Steffi was fun to do - of course, I always wish for more time.   It seems to work better, though, when I have to scramble to get the drawing done in a few minutes.  I did this on 9 x 12" oil pastel paper with Sennelier oil pastels.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Sketch for "Formal" - original charcoal figurative drawing

I came across a formal dress that might work in my figure drawings and decided to sketch the model in it.  Maybe this drawing is one that will end up as a painting - we'll see.  I'll post it if the painting works out.  My Able Assistant, Roger, is recovering from eyelid surgery and he isn't able to assist as much as usual, so I've been a little slow in getting new drawings/paintings done.  Amazing how one relies on one's helpers!  This drawing is about 16 x 14" - thanks for looking!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rapt Attention - original charcoal figurative drawing

I've done a few sketches lately of groups of people and this woman particularly interested me, so I singled her out for a drawing.  She was so interested in what the other two people at the gathering were saying that it was perfect for me.  She (unintentionally) held the pose for a long time and I was able to do a little sketch to work from when I got home.  She likes the drawing, too - always a good sign!  I used a Peel n Sketch charcoal pencil by General Pencil - one of my favorite drawing implements - on Strathmore sketch paper and is about 13 x 12.  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

They Say It's Good for the Heart - original oil pastel figurative drawing

Nothing like a little glass of wine for heart health - don't know if that's true, but lots of folks swear by it - plus they love the cure.  This drawing is done with Senneliers on 9 x 12" Art Spectrum Colourfix paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dreamer - original oil pastel/watercolor pencil portrait

I had drawn this watercolor pencil piece and let it hang around for a few days, not paying much attention.  Then I got the idea to use a little oil pastel, wondering how it would work over the watercolor pencil on the Yupo surface.  I am happy to report that it worked great - I love the finish and may try this again.  Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Scibbled Nude - original ink drawing of a nude

I'm planning to use this drawing for something else - a painting, or maybe a drypoint etching (my latest obsession) - but the best laid plans and all that.  It was fun working on patterned paper.  This drawing is about 7 1/2 x 7 1/2", using an ultra fine point Sharpie.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Thursday, November 06, 2014

The Message - original oil pastel portrait sketch

Here's another sketch on the Mi-Teintes paper - this time it's done on a warm shade that inspired me to use plenty of blues in her skin to cool it down.  I'm a big fan of cools anyway, so I was glad to have an excuse.  This sketch is about 8 1/2 x 8 1/2".  Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Portrait Sketch of a Young Woman - original oil pastel portrait sketch

I just bought a pad of 9 x 12" Mi-Teintes pastel paper.  I love the textured side and did this sketch on one of the sheets of off-white - there are several colors in the pad - with Sennelier oil pastels.  Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Seated Dancer - original ink figurative drawing

Line is my favorite drawing method and I had a really good time with this little drawing - squiggle, squiggle.  It's done with an Itoya Doubleheader and touches from my Niji Waterbrush on Borden & Riley Paris paper, 12 x 9".  Thanks so much for visiting my blog!