Showing posts with label work in progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work in progress. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2019

Painting from Memory Practice - plus what I'm working on

Every now and then I like to try my hand at painting a likeness of someone I observed, but not a person I actually drew or photographed - so here's a little acrylic painting done on a 5 x 4" canvas.  Am reasonably pleased with it.  And here's a quick little watercolor sketch that I'm using as a "pattern" for an 8 x 8" painting.  I did the first pass in not too realistic acrylic colors, but will probably finish the piece in oils.  It being spring, I'm so busy planting and enjoying the lovely weather - hope it's nice where you are!  Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

On My Easel - Woman at Table WIP

Woman seated at table with wineglass her arms on table many paintings on wall behind
From a drawing I did a few months ago, I worked on this one today.  Lots of work to do, though, which I'll enjoy while I listen to a book by Charles Todd. one of the Inspector Rutledge mysteries, set after the First World War or Great War.  Do other artists like to paint in silence?  I did that for awhile today and it was really pleasant, but after a couple of hours decided I needed a change.  Should have made all my changes and finishing up tomorrow, so will maybe post my final painting - thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

On My Easel - A Start on a Figurative Painting and A Charcoal Drawing of a Woman

Here are a couple of things I worked on today - the top, an 8 x 10" painting from my memory of a couple having a conversation in a restaurant.  Although I can't explain why, I was so excited about how the paint flowed from my brush - one of those moments when I feel truly connected to what's going on with the piece.  When I lost the feeling, I stopped and went on to something else.

Another of today's pieces - the drawing of the woman looking at the ball - maybe I should make it more dramatic than just a ball? - is really a sketch I did some time ago, but I added a few touches here and there.  Much fun - all in all a wonderful art day.  Also worked on a big charcoal drawing, which, when it's farther along, I will post.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Did y'all have a good art day? I hope so!😃

Monday, August 20, 2018

On My Easel - figurative rodeo barrel racer painting in progress

Here's what I worked on this evening.  I love rodeos and barrel racing is right up there with my favorite events.  Could watch for hours!  A good bit of work to finish this one, but just posting to share my efforts and if I finish tomorrow, I will post it - any suggestions would be welcome - thanks for looking!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Still Working - portrait painting work in progress

Every time I look, I see things that need correcting.  Didn't spend much time on it today - was busy outside - actually haven't spent much time at all on this little painting, but it's been fun to do.  Even though there really is a lot of cool blue in her hair, will remove some of it. Mostly, I just smoothed things and will probably leave it alone, except for something here and there.  Always so afraid of murdering my poor paintings. I hope this isn't too boring - thanks for stopping by - and I am totally open to critiques, ideas, tips, or anything else!

Monday, June 25, 2018

What I'm Working On - portrait painting in oil Work in Progress

Maybe a couple of days or so on this, possibly warming up the background and several other touches - I'm hoping to bring it to a grand closure (oh the pomposity) without killing it.  Maybe tomorrow I'll work on something else - don't know about y'all, but sometimes it just seems better to let it sit around for a day and then go back to work on it.  Hope you're not burning up where you are - it's in the 100s every day here, well, today was maybe 97 to 99, so not so bad.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

On My Easel - original oil pastel profile in progress

Much to do on this piece, and since I love drawing profiles, it'll be a pleasure,  It's on Colourfix paper, 16 x 20".  Thanks for looking!

Friday, January 19, 2018

On My Easel - oil pastel figurative work in progress

I was just having fun with this one that's done from a scene I saw recently - I enjoyed the happy colors.  I will work on it some more - not kidding myself about the major things I need to develop - but will love every moment; it's simply a delight to work on!  This is painted with Sennelier oil pastels on 8 x 10" Multi Media pastel panel.  Hope you enjoy - thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

On My Easel - Woman in Red Dress - Torchsinger - acrylic figurative in progress

Much to work out here - I hope without doing too much modeling of the figure.  I love torch singers and am thinking that may be what she is, with her scarf/handkerchief in her hand (needing work).  I took the pose from Nude with a Fan, posted earlier on my blog.  First, I covered the 12 x 12" canvas with black gesso and started from there.  Don't know if I will keep the little picture on the wall, probably not.  And her arms, especially, need work - who am I kidding - it all needs work and that's the fun of it!  Thanks so much for stopping by my blog - when I'm finished with this painting, I will post it.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

On My Easel - Cowboy - oil pastel figurative work in progress

Hoping to get this finished tomorrow, it's 6 x 12" on Ampersand Pastelbord, which is so great.  I love dogs and love seeing cowboys and their dogs - the best.  Much to do, but such a pleasure to work on  this subject and on Pastelbord.  Thanks for looking!

Friday, August 04, 2017

On My Easel - Sketch for Reading - original pastel pencil portrait in progress

Much to do on this one, but just thought I should post something, even though nothing much is finished.  On Colourfix board, which is great to work on.  Have a great weekend!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

What I'm Working On - original soft pastel figurative in progress

This piece is one I'm really enjoying.  Since soft pastel causes eye and throat irritation for me, I tried having a small fan blowing across the paper, then vacuumed up the dust.  Maybe that'll work.  The pleasure for me in this figurative, which is being done from a photo, is that there are many lines in it - unfortunately, some will have to be covered, but I'll cope.  Hoping to finish it this weekend.  The support is Pastelbord in sand , 11 x 14".  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, May 19, 2017

On My Easel - acrylic portrait of Fran - work in progress

A good bit of work to do, yet, but I should finish it this weekend.  I won't have such a spotty background, for one thing, and will do more work on her face.  It's on 12 x 12" board.  She is really lovely - hope I can do her justice.  It's always so great to at least begin a painting or drawing with the actual person sitting in front of you, but if they're not models, no way can I expect them to stay as long as it takes.  There are exceptions, of course, and I am very grateful for those who are able to actually stick around.  Fran is so sweet and spent as much time as she could, but was on a tight schedule, so I was happy to have her sit for even a short while.  I love going to drawing groups, but since I'm not a regular attendee,  I often have to take whatever position in the room nobody else wants, which is probably why I have a lot of paintings of the model with her/his back to me.  I generally love back poses, but usually just of nudes, Come to think of it, I may need to seriously consider those paintings with clothed back view models that are languishing in the back of my studio - some of them are pretty good with good shapes, etc.  Hmmm - a fresh approach, maybe.    Thanks for visiting my blog!  Just talking to you helped me rethink things.

Sunday, April 09, 2017

On My Easel - Tea For One - original oil pastel in progress

All I have that I could post are lots of unfinished pieces, so I just closed my eyes and picked one, and the winner is. . . . .  Sooo much to do on this, but it's going to be finished tomorrow, I hope, so I can get busy with my other stuff that's in limbo.  This is on 14 x 11" Pastelbord.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

On My Easel - Sandi - original oil pastel portrait

Since I've been away so much and haven't posted, I just decided to go ahead and publish something in progress.  Even though I didn't post for such a long time doesn't mean I haven't been doing art.  Actually, I took a portrait painting course and also have been drawing or painting every single day.  So much to do on this one, yet, but just needed to get back to posting.  This is Colourfix paper - the smoother one, which has just a bit of tooth.  I used Sennelier with a few Holbein oil pastels.  It's about 9 x 9".  Maybe I'll post it again when I'm finished. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Cowboy Love - original figurative oil painting

I love doing this one because of the gesture - it's just the way I saw it.  If you get the gesture, you have the drawing.  Everything builds from that.  Well, I'm obviously counting my chicks - time will tell how it actually turns out.  Don't mean to sound so pessimistic, but I am always getting to this stage and then killing it.  Will see tomorrow or probably the next whether this turns out the way I want it to.  Thanks so much for stopping by!
Update:  Finished!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

On My Easel - original oil pastel figurative in progress

I worked today on this drawing of the model on Strathmore 403 oil pastel paper - listed as pastel paper - but is originally for oil pastel and it is absolutely wonderful for this medium.  I love this model and the poses she takes.  It's 12 x 9" and the paper is a little more gray blue and darker, but if you read my blog, you know about my photographic limitations.  Thanks for visiting my blog.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

On My Easel - Gallery Visit - original oil figurative painting in progress

Not finished with this one, but probably won't finish it 'til late weekend - maybe move the floor down, plus finish the model (who isn't a model,  but a girl I sketched).  It's on 10 x 10" canvas.  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 15, 2016

On My Easel - Landscape Pencil Drawing in Progress

This sketchbook work in progress is one that I started while out in the country.  I ran out of time so took a photo in order to complete it when I got home, but just haven't gotten around to it.  Am working on some figure drawings that aren't even finished enough to post.  Thanks for visiting my blog!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

On My Easel - seated model oil figurative work in progress

I started the painting of my previous charcoal drawing on 14 x 11" Fredrix paint board - one of my very favorite surfaces.  My accompaniment today was the soundtrack, or at least, the music that was 'inspired by' - as they put it - Call the Midwife.  So many sweet songs are included - mostly from the late 50s, and maybe early 60s.  Will finish this tomorrow, working on my grays - they really need some oomph!  Thanks so much for visiting my blog!