Showing posts with label quick portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quick portrait. Show all posts

Thursday, August 02, 2018

More Strumming - original oil portrait sketch

I just love doing these quick little - in this case 12 x 9" on panel - studies.  Once I was attending a graduate class at Texas Tech and the professor said to me after we had completed some quick paintings from life that he would love to see what I could do with a week on the same pose.  I thought to myself 'I would completely kill the piece'.  Nothing like spending a little time on something and then moving on.  That's why I love drawing groups that feature short poses, but they're not easy to find.  Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Quick Drawing of a Seated Woman - oil pastel portrait drawing

I got lucky with this one - not too many folks will sit still for a few minutes so I can attempt to capture them on my paper.  Got lucky here! Spent the most time on her face and was sketchy with everything else   Good practice.  12 x 9".  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Carrie - original oil portrait painting

This 7 x 5" on panel was done when I was sort of cleaning my palette.  That's always the most fun for me.  The model is almost through and just waiting for her time to be up - I'm not concentrating, just goofing off and thinking of nothing much.  Best time of the session, I think.  Thanks for dropping by!