Showing posts with label portrait sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portrait sketch. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

"Sketch of the Thursday Model" - original mixed media sketch of the model in Geisha costume


The model arrived with a beautiful kimono and it was really great to draw her as if she were an actual geisha.  Not enough time, of course, but I did scribble a lot of loose sketches and loved it.  This is one of them - on Strathmore toned paper - the heavy kind which I love dearly, using General's Primo charcoal HB pencil, Derwent Chinese white pencil and some touches of oil pastel. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jessye - oil portrait sketch

This quick 12 x 9" oil sketch was done on Gessobord - I kind of like the effect of neutrals (which are beautiful in their own right) with a bit of color.  Thanks for looking!

Monday, October 07, 2019

Portrait Sketch in Sanguine - original portrait drawing

I seldom use sanguine, but used it along with a few General's pastel sticks and had a good time with it.  Colors in the pack were perfect for redhead coloring and I used smooth 9 x 12"  Colourfix paper in Fresh Grey, which has a blue tint so the color couldn't have been better as a surface, I think.  Usually I'm not a fan of drawing teeth, but in this case, the model had such an engaging smile that I found it a pleasure.  I knew, though, that it would be difficult to hold, so I got the smile down right away because I loved the way it looked at the beginning.    Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 02, 2019

Portrait Sketch in Oil - original drawing in oil

Trying out the Strathmore oil paper, which I love, with a quick little sketch.  This paper has a linen-like surface that isn't at all distracting and is also perfect for oil pastel.  Strathmore has introduced some papers lately that I really like, in addition to this one - their Printmaking as well as the Dark Blue toned paper.  They're both great additions to the Strathmore line.  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

In a Mood - original charcoal portrait drawing

Maybe this is the last one - no promises - of my charcoal drawings on paper from the Mi-Teintes pad.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

My Reluctant Model - original charcoal portrait sketch

charcoal portrait drawing of young woman with hesitant expression on colored paper
I can be so persuasive sometimes - or maybe overbearing - when getting someone to pose for me, however briefly.  When their patience runs out, I turn to the camera.  This young woman held the pose as long as she could stand it, for which I was totally grateful!

I loved her hesitant manner, as if she might not have thought this was such a good idea.  I'm just crazy about capturing people's emotions that they don't only display in their faces, but in their gestures, as well.  Was trying not to overwork, so purposely didn't spend much time on the drawing or go back and "fix" things.

There was a sale on paper at my store and I bought a couple of tablets of Mi-Teintes.  For some reason - and I seldom hear this from anyone - I love the textured side.  I appreciate the looseness the textured side produces and I can always stump the charcoal if I want some of the drawing to look smoother.  When I drag my vine charcoal across the paper, the textured side grabs only some of the charcoal so I don't have to soften a line - the paper just sort of does it for me.  There's some white hard pastel in this 12 x 9" drawing along with the charcoal.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Preparatory Sketch for a Portrait - original charcoal portrait sketch

I was going
through some old sketches and came across this study that I did for a small portrait painting years ago.  I used vine charcoal (my fave) on 12 x 9" toned paper.  It's a lot of fun to look back at artwork from the past.  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 04, 2019

Meant to be an Oil Pastel, but Stayed a Watercolor portrait sketch

I decided to do a loose underpainting with watercolor for an oil pastel - something I almost never do - but just decided to leave it as a watercolor after all.  It actually wasn't laziness - I really like the looseness of this little 7½ x 9" piece on Arches oil paper.  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 02, 2019

More Fun with Watercolor - a watercolor portrait sketch

I came across this warm-colored piece of paper, about 6 x 8" and think it probably wasn't watercolor paper, although it's very sturdy and held up well without much buckling.  It seems to me that most watercolor paper is white, although I'm not a watercolorist so don't know for sure.  Anyway, I used it for this quick little sketch.  I painted it with colors from my cute Da Vinci pan set (below) and it has this little ring on the bottom for finger or thumb. 
Makes me feel like an experienced watercolor painter! ðŸ˜„Much fun - thanks for visiting!

Thursday, October 04, 2018

In the Dark - portrait sketch of the model with white pencil on black paper

It's been so long since I did this kind of drawing that I was kind of lost, but maybe I'll get the hang of it again.  I used a white pencil on black drawing paper.  Many years ago, I did drawings of Greek statues using this method and loved it, but then got distracted by some other medium and never went back, but now am thinking it could be fun!  This sketch is about 11 x 11" - thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 24, 2018

3 Lisas - oil pastel portrait sketch of model in 3 views

I could probably just as well call this 'Just Foolin' Around' since that's what I was doing - searching for a way to do different views of the same model.  One sketch I used to love doing was the model in different values.  Maybe tomorrow.  Just wanted to share this 11 x 14" oil pastel portrait on Canson black drawing paper.  Thanks for looking!

Monday, February 27, 2017

On My Easel Sketch of Gemma - original charcoal portrait sketch in progress

Here's a little 12 x 9" sketch of Gemma - not finished, but one that I'm enjoying working on.  It's on Strathmore toned paper, which is fun to draw on, especially when using a little white in addition to the charcoal.  As I progress, I'll use some white - just not there, yet.  Thanks for looking!

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Blue Cape - original oil pastel portrait drawing

I'm not sure I will "finish" this 5 x 7" piece on panel since it feels as if I've accomplished what I've set out to do.  I like the openness on the left side and maybe if I completely cover it, I might regret it.  Isn't it fun to read my rant?  Sorry.  Although I could actually go on and on.
So sad and worried at the moment - my wonderful and beloved Able Assistant, Roger, seems to be ill.   It's terrible to watch - will probably stay downstairs with him tonight and we'll sleep in my recliner, all bundled up together.  Only hope he can recover - he's such a part of my life.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Carrie - original oil portrait painting

This 7 x 5" on panel was done when I was sort of cleaning my palette.  That's always the most fun for me.  The model is almost through and just waiting for her time to be up - I'm not concentrating, just goofing off and thinking of nothing much.  Best time of the session, I think.  Thanks for dropping by!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Portrait Sketch of a Young Woman - oil pastel portrait drawing

This was not the model, but a participant in the drawing group.  Sometimes the other people there make for some of the best drawings!  She was listening intently to her drawing neighbor, so I had a few minutes for the sketch.  It's on 12 x 9" Strathmore 403 paper, which, despite their claims, is no longer a paper for oil pastel.  I have a lot of it, though, so I'm using it.
It seems I've been spending SO much time preparing panels for painting!  I thought this would be a money-saver, but I don't think so, plus the time involved is crazy!  I hear a lot of artists talk about applying gesso, etc, on panels and I thought it would be such a good idea.  First there's the stuff that blocks support induced color changes, two coats, and then the gesso - three or so coats.  Any thoughts out there on this?  I'll probably just go back to buying panels that are already prepared for painting.  Oh my poor arm!  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Sketch of a Native American Girl - original oil pastel portrait sketch

I started this drawing on 12 x 9" paper, using Sennelier oil pastels, and have decided to leave it as a sketch, rather than "finishing" it.  Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

On My Easel - oil pastel portrait painting in progress

While I will probably do another painting of this pose, working out things I want to emphasize - maybe in oil - I just loved doing this one.  My ambition is to keep my enthusiasm while doing the second one, because I always seem to lose the motivation.  Am going to try very hard!  Actually, maybe trying hard isn't the best option - just relax I tell myself.  This is on Strathmore pastel paper - formerly for oil pastel and is about 9 x 9".  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Three Quick Faces - original oil pastel portrait sketches

 Just goofing around with oil pastel and multi media art board.  I did this quickly while watching TV -  great practice - plus I almost cannot sit in front of the TV without drawing.  This drawing is on black 8 x 10"art board paper.  Thanks for stopping by!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dorie - original watercolor pencil portrait drawing

This model had the sweetest face - well, she still has it, but alas, I probably won't see her again.  I used an Inktense pencil from Derwent in black, along with pale blue Caran d'Ache and Daniel Smith watercolor sticks.  This was done on Yupo, about 9 x 7".  The casualness, or maybe I should say the accidental result, is what attracts me to the combination of watercolor pencils and Yupo paper.  Even though the drips from the watery colors don't generally go where I want them to, there's no stress because I don't feel the outcome has to be just so-so.  Maybe I should have done some work to make it more realistic - but I just didn't want to - that's the fun of it! Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sketch of Satine - original oil pastel portrait sketch

A few Caran d'Ache oil pastels were all I had with me when this sketch opportunity came up, so I just did the best I could on this quick little drawing.  It's about 9 x 9" on Strathmore 403 pastel paper.  Thanks for looking!