Showing posts with label oil portrait painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil portrait painting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reluctant Vera - original oil portrait sketch

Here's one from a drawing group where the model didn't show, and in those cases, everybody takes a turn as the model - or most everybody, since I think I avoided it that time - so I call this one 'Reluctant Vera', because she wasn't thrilled to be the model, but she was a good one, nevertheless.  Drawing group attendees who have to replace the model soon find out how really tough it is to be a model - staying completely still for 20 minutes at a time, then trying to get back into the same exact position after the break.  Models earn every bit of their pay! 
I used mostly Gamblin and Blue Ridge paints and a couple of Grumbachers on this piece.  I shouldn't use a lot of colors, because as one of my painting teachers told me, I always turn everything into a basic limited palette which I did on this one except for the blue, so I think I'll just save the money and go back to the four or five colors.  😀 Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ginny's Hat - original oil portrait painting

Red haired young woman wearing green cloche against purple background
I put a ton of oil paint on this 8 x 8" gessoed wood panel, mainly on her face.  I seldom do that, but it was an interesting experiment.  I had applied extra gesso and was trying to overcome the texture of the brushstrokes since I didn't sand the board.  Now I'll see how long it takes to dry!  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

On My Easel - Woman at Table WIP

Woman seated at table with wineglass her arms on table many paintings on wall behind
From a drawing I did a few months ago, I worked on this one today.  Lots of work to do, though, which I'll enjoy while I listen to a book by Charles Todd. one of the Inspector Rutledge mysteries, set after the First World War or Great War.  Do other artists like to paint in silence?  I did that for awhile today and it was really pleasant, but after a couple of hours decided I needed a change.  Should have made all my changes and finishing up tomorrow, so will maybe post my final painting - thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Another Woman with a Fan - original oil portrait painting

Here's another version of an earlier drawing that I did in charcoal - made some changes, but maybe I'm not through, I don't know.  The model looks sort of tired, maybe she's sick of being fussed over, so I'll just let her rest for awhile and see what I think in several days. In the drawing, I used a slightly different pose that I did quickly when she was resting her eyes while the monitor was talking.  But this was her actual pose.  It's 16 x 20".  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 05, 2016

Agnes - original oil portrait painting

I loved this quick little glance by the model, so I sketched the look in her eyes before it changed.  She was looking at something that was going on in the corner of the room.  I could do more - like the background - but I'm going to leave this a little more unfinished - I was just after her expression, anyway.  This painting is on 10 x 8"  linen.  Glad you stopped by!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

On My Easel - Ballet Lover - original oil portrait in progress

So wet I couldn't work on it for a day or so - good amount to do, but will finish on the weekend.  It's on 8 x 8" canvas.  Usually, I wouldn't use regular canvas for this, rather panel or portrait canvas, but I like Michael's best stretched canvas, plus added more gesso.  I did this small piece in preparation for a larger painting.  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 08, 2015

The Flapper Redux - original oil portrait painting

Here's what can happen to a painting that started out as something totally and completely different.  Check out The Flapper.  I can't really explain it, but I had much more fun with this version.  There are a few things to work on, but I'm essentially finished and now I'm moving on to a country dancers painting that I'm loving.  This piece is 10 x 10" on canvas.  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Portrait of Julee - original oil portrait painting

This was a fun thing to do - trying to keep it loose.  In order to do that, I painted the whole thing with a #14 Bright and then made sure not to fool with it when I got home - always my downfall.  This piece is on 6 x 6" Gessobord.  Thanks for looking!

Saturday, June 06, 2015

On My Easel - Livy - original oil portrait painting from life in progress

This painting is one that I'm doing from life - much fun to work in oil paint right from the model.  So often I use a drawing that I did earlier, so this is a real treat.  It's on 10 x 10" gessoed panel.  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sweet Tea - original oil portrait painting

Ahhh - sweet tea - the elixir of the South.  Has to be just right - no harshness - never ever boiled even for a second.  But it does have to have a real "tea" taste and be sweet - but not too sweet.  Sounds crazy, I know, but it has to taste just right and you know when it does.  Reminds me of that Jackie Mason routine.  This piece is part life and part photo - sometimes you gotta use photos - 10 x 10" on gessoed panel.  Thanks for looking!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Seated Model - original oil figurative painting

I finally got around to finishing this painting.  Not totally satisfied - always like the sketch better, but at least it's done.  It's almost as if I've been on vacation from my blog - and I have, sort of.  But always sketching and trying new things, such as some gorgeous aqua-colored paper, that was SUCH a disappointment to me; at least, a disappointment in the way I had intended to use it.  So, am exploring other ways to make it work.  This piece is on 14 x 11" Fredrix paint board.  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, May 02, 2014

Grace - original oil portait painting

This portrait was done on Arches paper for oil paints, which is just super!  I love the way it accepts the paint and is also wonderful for oil pastel.  It's about 14 x 14" - I started it from life, but the model had to leave, so I finished from a photo.  Although I'm a real fan of painting the live model, you do what you have to do.  Thanks so much for stopping by! Sold

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

On My Easel - Listening to the Blues - original oil figurative work in progress

This painting that I'm working on is based on my drawing of a model holding a wineglass.  There's much work to be done, I know, but it's sort of taking on a bit of a life of its own, which can be good.  I hope it's going to be a success - right now, it's so wet I can't tell a lot about it and I really won't know 'til it's finished.  That's the thing, or one of the things about making art, you just don't know whether a painting is going to be good or not 'til it's done.  And there's all that time and effort and emotion - well, I could go on and on - but you probably know what I mean - and it's so discouraging if it's a flop.  In that case - and I have a lot of those cases - it's good if there's a lesson in there somewhere so that whatever went wrong doesn't do that again.  So next time something else can go wrong, instead!  Do I sound negative? sorry  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, July 19, 2013

On My Easel - original oil portrait painting in progress

Much to do - the corsage, temperature, light, etc. etc. - but will be working on it again in a day or two - 12 x 9" on gessoed board.  Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

On My Easel, Another View of Linda - original oil portrait painting

 This is one of the trickiest poses, and I don't think I've completely succeeded, so will finish it tomorrow - and will, among other things, darken the left part of the canvas.  But I'll be working from drawings, since the model won't be here and that's such a challenge!  Oh well, no one ever said art is easy!  It's 10 x 8" on archival canvas board.  Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Portrait of Marcella - original oil portrait painting

Marcella was an interesting model.  She has such an old-fashioned look to her, but her hair was really different and not old-fashioned at all.  It was short and sort of spiky on the top and long in the back.  I did ask her to tie it back and she was very amenable to doing whatever was needed.  The model comes first is my motto and if she had felt uncomfortable, I wouldn't have pressed it.  But, thankfully, she was so easy to work with and the session was great - hope to see her again!  Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Model in a Blue Robe - original oil figurative painting

This painting on stretched canvas is one that I started from a drawing a couple of months ago, then got distracted by something else and now I'm back to it.  I think it's finished - any more dabbing at it and it'll be ruined, for sure.  Thanks so much for stopping by!