Showing posts with label jive dancers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jive dancers. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday Jive - figurative painting of jive dancers

lively young man and woman dancing jive holding hands facing away
This piece is a lot looser than usual and was really really fun to paint - sort of threw caution to the wind with this one!  It's on 8 x 8" panel - thanks for stopping by!

Friday, November 09, 2018

Line Jive - ink figurative drawing of dancers

Abstract varied black ink lines on white paper depicting jive dancers
This ink drawing is really the inspiration for the previous post, although I did make some changes when I did the painting. Just letting your pen go a little crazy is a good thing and results in the most interesting outcomes.  I used two pens  -  Sharpie and Itoya.  While I like using these kinds of pens, I also love dip pens - they don't give the same results, but their line quality is often fascinating.  This drawing is on Strathmore Bristol, about 5 x 5 1/2".  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Jivin' Up a Storm - original figurative oil painting of jive dancers

The little jivers are back and still at it - they keep coming back to show me what they can do and I love it!  This one is painted on 8 x 8" cradled panel.  I was a little looser this time, especially with the background and had a lot of fun with it.  We're gearing up for the rodeo here - the yearly event where I get lots of sketches and photos that I use in my artwork.  And this time, it's not supposed to be so terribly hot and may actually rain (well, I'll believe it when I see it) which doesn't happen too much around here.  Thanks for looking!

PS.  Click here to check out my oil pastel blog,

Monday, March 13, 2017

All Out Jive - original acrylic figurative painting

I know - it's a little crazy looking - but I love the abandon and just went with it.  I like how this fella dances and the girl has just returned to the floor after a jump.  Didn't have room on the panel for both of them to be airborne.  Was listening to my workout music while painting and it is definitely jive - the only problem is that I should use it more, rather than just listening as I paint!  This piece is on gessoed panel, 7 x 5".  Thanks for looking!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Wild Jive - original figurative oil painting

This painting is what listening to oldies will do for you - what a way to spend a couple of hours on Friday afternoon.  The music is from my workout playlist, so it's all pretty lively.  On 8 x 8" Gessobord.  Thanks for looking!

Friday, December 02, 2016

Jivin' In Black and White - original figurative ink drawing

Meant to post this last night, but I got bogged down on  A never-ending mystery - at least my family is!
I did this on 6 x 6" Bristol board paper using a black ink drawing pen.  It's one of those with a narrow tip at one end and the other end is wider - in this case, a Prismacolor. This kind of pen is great for drawing - just so expressive.  Why, that pen helped this little couple dance to Jerry Lee Lewis, so I know they agree with me!
Thanks for looking!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

New Pen, New Dancers - original figurative ink drawing

I have a new black Sharpie that doesn't come through the paper and I'm loving it!  Captured these dancers with it - this pen is a keeper!  It's smooth and the although the ink feels so free flowing, it doesn't make a mess.  Well, of course, no Sharpie I ever heard of, does, so this pen continues the grand tradition.  Still, it does have more of an ink feel that the feel of a marker.
This drawing is also an audition for the dancers on the page.  Some will get to stay with me, but as for others, they will have to go back for a few modifications.  See?  You thought I'd say 'drawing board'.  On 5.5 x 8" mixed media paper - thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Red, White and Blue Jive - original mixed media figurative drawing

Just a fun drawing using a little of this, a little of that - specifically, ink, watercolor, colored pencil, oil pastel. Quick and a pleasure to do - no looking back. I loved her position, looking back at him, who seems to be in another world.  It's on 6 x 8" mixed media paper.  Thanks for stopping by!