I was pleased with this one - not easy to draw when someone is dancing - they just go off and leave me working on three or four steps ago. Funny thing - didn't realize I was drawing on the other side of a jive dancing ink couple that I enjoyed doing - something about her foot that I hadn't captured before, plus a turn in her torso. I never finished the guy, though, and instead, will probably just use the girl dancer in another drawing or painting. I love the way these dancers move in and out of my life. Never know when I'll see them again, but they're always there, just waiting to dance for me.
Both drawings are from my mixed media sketchbook, about 5 x 8". Thanks for looking!
Hi Connie
Do you sketch from life? I've never tried a moving target before! Do you always draw from life or do you use reference photo's? I really need to sketch more often... I get so lost in my painting process, I forget how fun sketching is! Anyway, I find your blog so inspiring, so do you mind if I link back to it on tomorrows blog post? I'm sure my readers would love it!
Hi Sandra - yes sketching is lots of fun and I do a lot of it. The dancer thing started with going to tango shows - actually started years ago when I lived near Washington D.C. where there were often tango dancers, plus lots of flamenco shows. They were small affairs and it wasn't odd to see someone with a sketchbook. That's where I got used to drawing "moving targets" - I love that - and realizing that I had to rely on my memory of the position I was sketching because it was gone in the next second. And of course, link to my blog - I'm flattered - am also loving your blog - and amazed by your marble painting - SO beautiful and something I don't think I could even attempt to do!
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