Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reluctant Vera - original oil portrait sketch

Here's one from a drawing group where the model didn't show, and in those cases, everybody takes a turn as the model - or most everybody, since I think I avoided it that time - so I call this one 'Reluctant Vera', because she wasn't thrilled to be the model, but she was a good one, nevertheless.  Drawing group attendees who have to replace the model soon find out how really tough it is to be a model - staying completely still for 20 minutes at a time, then trying to get back into the same exact position after the break.  Models earn every bit of their pay! 
I used mostly Gamblin and Blue Ridge paints and a couple of Grumbachers on this piece.  I shouldn't use a lot of colors, because as one of my painting teachers told me, I always turn everything into a basic limited palette which I did on this one except for the blue, so I think I'll just save the money and go back to the four or five colors.  😀 Thanks for stopping by!


myra anderson said...

so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

hmuxo said...

Another beautiful painting, Connie. You do so well with the limited palette.