Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Print Shirt - original pencil portrait drawing

This 13 x 10" drawing began life as a pose taken by the little girl, but then I realized the futility of having a youngster try and hold a pose for a long time, so I took a picture of her and mostly drew from that.  Drawing from life has its limits when dealing with children.  Actually, I don't think I could hold a pose for any length of time.  I cringe when the model doesn't show and we have to take turns posing.  Just like waiting to give a book report in middle school, I always hope the session will end before I must take my turn.  This is on wonderful Stonehenge white paper and instead of using charcoal, as I usually do, it's done with a graphite pencil.  Pencil just has a sort of softness that I like for children.  Thanks so much for stopping by!  Sold


Sadami said...

Dear Connie,
I love your drawings and paintings that capture mood and movement. What you pinned down in women, young girls and dancing are very fascinating for me. Please keep up wonderful work!
Kind regards, Sadami

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Sadami - after seeing your beautiful work on your site, I'm very flattered by your nice comments on my work. Thank you!