Showing posts with label nude oil painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nude oil painting. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Nude with Arms Raised - original oil painting of a nude

This nude is done from a life drawing that I posted a while back and just now got around to painting.  I know one is supposed to paint no matter the lack of inspiration, but I just can't!!!  Must wait 'til the stars are in the right position, etc., so I can get going on some of these projects that have been languishing.  The pose couldn't have been easy for the model - keeping one's arms raised can get pretty tough after a bit.  As I recall, we didn't take the full time.  I love being in a group where the other artists respect the model - have been in some groups that didn't, so I didn't go back there.  This is on 14 x 11" paintboard.  Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reclining Nude - original oil painting of a nude

This painting is still so wet, but I wanted to post something tonight, well actually, it's morning, now.  I did this very quickly from a life drawing - set my timer and didn't go back to correct a thing.  I painted this while listening to The Day of Battle by Rick Atkinson - it'll probably take another day or so to finish this interesting book.   I just ordered An Army at Dawn from, which is the first in the trilogy.  I am so used to listening to books and love it because I can do other things - like painting or drawing - while I "read".   I highly recommend it!
Thanks for stopping by!
 Oh I forgot - got so carried away with the book I'm reading that I almost signed off for the night before I remembered to say it's 8 x 10" on archival canvas board.  Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Nude Looking Down - original oil painting of a nude

I am including the beginnings of this fast little painting.  I think that maybe I should have left more lines.   Being such a line person, why don't I do that?  Either I don't know when to stop, or I feel I must do the expected and cover the canvas.  Does anyone else have these problems?  This painting is on 10 x 8" Fredrix Paintboard.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Flowered Screens - original oil painting of a nude

I didn't realize what time it is - I can just get absolutely lost on the internet and before I know it, it's so late, like now.  Gotta get some sleep - this painting is on 14 x 11" canvas.  Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nude in a Red Skirt - original oil painting of a nude

This painting, which I did from a charcoal life drawing, is still so wet and shiny, but I hadn't posted in awhile, so here is what I did today.  It's 14 x 11" on canvas.  I thought about making her skirt less red, but the model was wearing red, red lipstick - in fact, I have a note about it on my drawing - so I just decided to make the skirt and the lipstick as red as they were in person.
We got rain last night - so no dragging the hoses around tonight.  Such a relief - I am so grateful!  More time to paint, right?  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nude with a Flowered Screen - original oil painting of a nude

In one of my painting classes from many years ago, I was kidded about loving and paying attention to backgrounds.  Well, I still love backgrounds, and screens and old wallpaper are among my favorites.  Backgrounds, plus a model - does life get any better?  At least, art life.  I initially drew the pose with vine charcoal and then came back to my studio to paint in oil, using the drawing as my guide. 
This one was done rather quickly (I timed myself to fight my overworking tendencies) on 10 x 8" stretched canvas.  I don't usually like to work on canvas when doing nudes, but this worked well, for some reason.  Maybe it's that I have more paint on the surface. 
While painting, I was listening to The Poisoner's Handbook.  It's not what you might think  when you hear the title, but about the development of forensic science in New York City by a few dedicated chemists.  This book carried me through a number of paintings and, today, I'll begin another juicy one. Thanks so much for stopping by! 


Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Little Modesty - original oil portrait painting by Connie Chadwell

This 6 x 6" painting is on Gessobord and was done from a drawing that I did in a life drawing group.  I get such a kick out of painting quickly and just letting the chips - or in this case, the paint - fall where it may. 

Today, I worked while listening to Matthew Pearl's The Poe Shadow.  When we lived in Washington, D.C., we often went to Baltimore to see the formerly fabulous Orioles play and would occasionally visit the gravesite of Edgar Allan Poe.  As soon as I finish this book, I'm going to reread all of his works.  That'll keep me busy!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nude on a Green Chair - original oil painting by Connie Chadwell

I promise - this is the last time I'll do a painting from this pose. I really love it, but all things must eventually end. The painting is on 8 x 8" gessoed panel. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Sold

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Leslie - original oil nude painting by Connie Chadwell

It's been awhile since I posted because I've been working on my new blog to promote oil pastel, The Oil Pastel Review. And now it's done, so I can concentrate on work here at Hackberry Street Studio. I hope you will visit the new blog - the guest artist is David Berridge and I know you will enjoy his work and his story.
The model in today's posting, Leslie, is so elegant and so leggy. I kept measuring and the proportions were accurate. Well okay, maybe I did make the legs a little long, but it just looks like her, so I went with it. It's 18 x 22" on canvas.
Just looking at the posted picture I thought I needed to put up a close-up of her, because the photo of the whole painting doesn't show her pretty face very well. So here's another view.
Thank you for visiting Hackberry Street Studio!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another Ana - original oil painting of a nude by Connie Chadwell

I've started this one over and over - just couldn't seem to get it to suit me. Does anyone else have this problem? Paint and scrape, paint and scrape. Anyway, it finally pleases me - lots more color in the skin than I usually do. I'm thrilled that I have so many things on my easel that are exciting to me and tomorrow I'll be working on those - maybe even finish a few!

This Ana is 14 x 11" on Gessobord - thanks so much for stopping by Hackberry Street Studio.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Jodi's Back - original oil nude painting by Connie Chadwell

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day holiday!
This painting was done from a drawing that I did from life. Jodi has beautiful curves and I'm all for painting different types of models - from thin and angular to curvy and full-figured. Let's hear it for real women! On Gessobord, the painting is 7 x 5".
Do take a look at the Oil Pastel Society show where one of my paintings won Second Prize! The society is currently an online group (although there are several regional affiliates around the country) to further the awareness of oil pastel as a fine art medium. It's a young and growing organization with a bright future and I'm delighted to be part of it!
Thanks for stopping by! SOLD