Showing posts with label cafe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cafe. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Red Mug - original oil pastel portrait painting

This little 7 x 5" painting on Pastelbord began with a drawing of a young woman sitting in a cafĂ©.  She was having a quiet moment before getting back in the fray.  I left this pretty loose and it's not really "finished", but that's my kind of thing.  Thanks so much for visiting!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Dancers at the Winery - original oil figurative paintings

Here are some of my dancers on the wall at Junction Rivers Winery in Junction, Texas.  It's a not-to-be-missed place for wine (of course), bistro food, gifts, and conversation in my hometown on the Llano River. 
I hope everyone's having an enchanting Christmas Eve and looking forward to a joyful Christmas Day!  Thanks so much for stopping by - and Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Promise Me - original figurative oil painting

This couple was very intense - or at least she was.  He seemed to be resisting a little.  I made them "my" people, but the setting - and the gaze - is the same.  The painting is on 12 x 16" Fredrix archival canvas board.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Another Evening at the Bistro - original oil figurative painting

I hope everyone had a great Fourth!  Most places in this part of the world nixed the fireworks display because of the wildfire danger, but we had one here in Junction.  I watched from my back porch - it was actually down at the city park on the Llano River - but still a good view and the show was really fine!
This painting is on 8 x 10" archival canvas board.  Thanks so much for stopping by! 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cezannesque - original figurative oil painting

I saw this artwork - which was probably a Cezanne poster since I did see a little printing on it - in a coffee shop. I loved it and was able to sketch the scene with some Caran d'Ache wax crayons - that are wonderful, by the way. Then I painted from my sketch back in my studio. It was pretty involved to get an accurate drawing of this artwork. My painting is on 6 x 6" Gessobord. Thanks so much for stopping by!  Sold

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coffee Break - original oil figurative painting

This scene was at an art museum, in the cute little cafe area they always have in museums.  I love museum cafes and some of them have really tasty food, too.  This couple was so happy and very chatty - just made me feel good to be nearby.  And I loved her hair.  It had a life of its own.  Mine does, too, but not with the same results.  The painting is on 6 x 6" Gessobord.  Thanks so much for stopping by Hackberry Street Studio! Sold

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Thai Restaurant - original oil figurative painting by Connie Chadwell

I painted this from another drawing of my favorite Thai restaurant.  The painting is 10 x 8" on Fredrix archival canvas panel.  When I work on this support, I really like to paint fairly thickly so there's variety in the texture.   This panel has the best of both support worlds - canvas for its nice surface texture and panel for the rigidity that gives my brush something to react against.  I like it when the surface doesn't 'give' the way stretched canvas does.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Monday, June 02, 2008

More Tea - oil pastel figure painting

This was painted from a little drawing I did at my favorite Thai restaurant (now closed, unfortunately). It's 16 x 20" on Ampersand Pastelbord. Thanks for visiting my blog!