Wednesday, April 05, 2017

A Nude on Wednesday - original watermedia nude

This painting is mostly water media with a few touches of oil pastel.  It's on mixed media paper, which, if you haven't tried it yet, is wonderful - stands up to all kinds of torture.  It's about 9 x 11".  Thanks for stopping by!


Anthony Duce said...

Love this..
Like working on Mixed media paper too..

Sandra Busby said...

Connie I think you must have pencils instead of fingers! You are so productive! Once again I am inspired by your beautiful drawings... They all have such character too... What a talent!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Sandra - Thanks so much for your lovely comment - it's much appreciated!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Anthony - yes, that paper is great stuff!