Monday, March 27, 2017

Jumpin' Jivers - original acrylic figurative painting

Yes, I really saw it - I think youth is the first prerequisite for a jump like this one! And tons of practice, because he didn't seem to give it a second thought - all in a day's work!  He probably didn't think of it as work, though, just lots of fun.  I used Golden Open acrylic paint on an 8 x 8" panel.  Thanks for looking!


Gatepost productions said...

We got married in the 1950s! So jiving was our Normal - great time to grow up

Rock ON!

Great painting, full of action

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi John - I Love the Rock On! I'm going to entitle one of my pieces Rock On - great! Thanks so much - I appreciate it!