Saturday, March 22, 2014

On My Easel - Sketch for Flamenco - original oil figurative sketch

I should probably call this 'can you figure out what this is?' - a sort of shorthand, I guess.  I know how it should end, and I'm very hopeful, but the best intentions don't always turn out as one would like.  So I'm fully prepared, knowing it may join lots of others I've thrown in the garbage this week.  I find it hard to get rid of things that I once liked or maybe even just liked one passage in the painting, and keep them well past their prime.  Gotta be tough, I keep telling myself.  Thanks for stopping by and listening to my little rant or maybe it was a pep talk to myself.


myra anderson said...

it certainly looks like something exciting is coming!!!

hmuxo said...

I love it already, Connie. I look forward to seeing the next post.....

Anthony Duce said...

Looking foreword to seeing more of this..

Unknown said...

Connie, I always enjoy reading your little talk to yourself. Thanks for sharing your creative process. This is most precious.

hmuxo said...

Beautifully painted....

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you so much, Hilda - I really appreciate your stopping by!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Myra and thank you!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Anthony - I'm glad to see you here!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Lucy - and I'm enjoying the emails you send out!