Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Letter - original oil pastel portrait painting

 Here's a painting that I anguished over on my oil pastel blog, but I think I'm finished with it.  Time to move on.   It's 14 x 11" on Pastelbord.   Supposedly, oil pastel doesn't really dry, but it sure seems to on Pastelbord and really, on other surfaces, as well, such as Sennelier oil pastel card and Colourfix paper.  Oil pastel is such a wonderful medium and my very favorite, I think; actually, no, that would have to be charcoal - oh well, I'll have to work this out later.  It's really late and I'm ready to turn in.  I love it that you stopped by - thanks so much for visiting my blog! Sold


Susan Roux said...

This is a lovely painting! I really like the emotion you captured. No doubt a special moment dear to her heart. She has longing and loving written all over her face...

hmuxo said...

She is so beautiful, Connie. Your work with oil pastels is amazing! I have never worked with it but understand its not easy!! You have mastered it. The blue shadows in her face is wonderful. Love this one.

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you so much, Susan - I'm pleased and flattered that you like her - I really appreciate your visit to my blog.

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Hilda - thank you for your nice comment. Really, oil pastel is not difficult - give it a try sometime - I'll bet you'd like it!