Thursday, March 15, 2012

After Hours - original oil pastel figurative painting of a bar scene

One of the most interesting places ever - a bar.  I just have a Coke when I'm there, but oh my, the atmosphere.  I love to be wherever people are just being themselves and bars are up there with the best of them.  This painting is done on 8 x 10" Pastelbord.  Thanks so much for looking!  To email me about any of the artwork on my blog, just click the Contact Me to the right of this post. Sold


hmuxo said...

Another winner, Connie! this is so incredible...detailed to perfection. I also love your previous Josie...Lovely!!!

Anthony Duce said...

This is great. So much detail for the small size and medium used.

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Hilda, SO nice to hear - and thanks for Josie, too! I really appreciate your nice comments!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Anthony - I really appreciate your comment - it definitely is interesting to get detail with oil pastel. So glad you stopped by!

Unknown said...

Really beautiful art. I am sitting in the United Arab Emirates missing the USA and stumbled on your site. Your paintings and drawings are like coming home, I only wish I was. I hope to see more. thank you

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Marie - LOVE your comment! I'm so very pleased to reach you with a tiny bit of home way over in UAE. Thank you so much - come home soon!