Showing posts with label back pose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back pose. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Gwen - original oil pastel nude painting

This fairly quick drawing is oil pastel on Colourfix paper, 9 x 12".  Didn't have time to smooth things out, so it's still a little raw - the way I like it.  Thanks so much for looking!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Seated Back Pose - original oil pastel nude

I did this nude on 12 x 9" mixed media paper and matted it to about 9 1/2 x 7 1/2".  There's just nothing - to me, anyway - like the blues and greens in skin tones.  I just find them irresistible.  This piece is a little "raw", just the way I like them - not quite "finished".  I took a portrait course in which the portrait I painted is so exact and finished (although I didn't attend the last lesson) and everyone who sees it says 'wow, you did this?" and while I like it and am proud of my accomplishment, it's not my natural way of doing things.  Just my personality, I guess.  I love it that each artist's personality always shows up in his/her work.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Thursday, June 19, 2014

One Nude - original charcoal drawing of a nude

Here it is morning and I'm posting a drawing - usually it's late at night or in the wee hours that I post.  Actually, I think I like this better, but one probably can't change one's established ways.  This drawing was done from a seated position, so I was looking upward at the model - my favorite way to draw from life. Well, I don't mean that I like to draw sitting down, but there was no stand for her, so I sat down.  Standing is my favorite way to draw, but that only works for me if the model has a platform. This was a quick drawing, so there's a lot that could be 'corrected', but then I would probably lose a lot, too.  And every time - and I do mean every time - I do that, I ruin the drawing  This nude is one that I cut from a group of three.  There's some shading on the right from the nude that was there.  Just didn't like the others and I really loved this pose, too.  This was done on Borden and Riley Bristol Plate - and as much as I love Bristol, it's just a bit less forgiving for charcoal work.   This drawing is 14 x 5" - thanks for looking!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Model's Braid - original charcoal figurative drawing

I'm having a field day with the new paper I bought, plus my trusty charcoal (both vine and pencil). I have read that one is either a line person or a shape person. Right now, line is my true love. This drawing is 5 x 5" on Strathmore bristol.

Thanks for stopping by!