Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sketch of the Seated Model - original oil pastel and charcoal figurative

I have made and destroyed so many drawings and paintings over the last several weeks - probably in my continuing quest for ways to combine color and line - and this drawing proved so satisfying - all of you artists out there know that feeling! 😊  Plus I was so happy to have a really great model.  Also I was trying out Pastel Premier 9 x 12" sanded paper and am delighted to report that I'm crazy about it!  It's made in the USA - Yay! The combination of General Pencil's Peel n Sketch charcoal pencil and mostly Sennelier and a couple of Caran d'Ache oil pastels on the Pastel Premier pastel paper was heavenly for me.  Hope everyone's doing great and can get back to work soon.  Thanks for stopping by!


hmuxo said...

Beautiful pose, Connie. I like the unfinished look in this painting. I'm trying to get back to painting....I haven't been in the mood to paint and YET I have so much time to do it. I start a painting and just can't finish.. Hopefully, today I'll go through some reference photos.
I hope you're well....

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you Hilda - hope you're doing some painting - I'm missing your beautiful and interesting artwork!