Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Leah in Green - original oil pastel portrait

oil pastel profile portrait painting of young woman in green dress
Green is such a beautiful color and I'm always looking for ways to include it in portraits, so it was wonderful that Leah strolled in wearing a green top.  Generally I like to mix greens, but I had a dark green that worked well and I lightened it here and there with lighter values - not with greens, but warmer colors like peachy shades.  I used mostly Holbein oil pastels on 7 x 5" Ampersand Pastelbord.   I'm posting this while listening to the soundtrack from "Honeymoon in Vegas" - so great and a funny movie, too!  Until recently, multi-tasking was considered a good thing, but lately I've been hearing that it's not such a great thing for one's brain.  Gotta protect those cells, so stopping now to hear the rest of Vegas, then on to Johnny Rodriguez.  Thanks for stopping by!


hmuxo said...

I worked with Ampersand Board on one of my paintings and loved it. This painting is beautifully painted, Connie. Beautiful expression on her... I love greens as well. In November I have to have a painting for an exhibit and we can only use three colors...white, black and green. It was very interesting to see what we can do...

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you so much, Hilda! I am really looking forward to your post with black, white and green - that will be so interesting and a challenge, I would think! You will do a beautiful job, I know!