Monday, February 12, 2018

Guitarist Doodle - mixed media cowboy drawing

I had a chance and took advantage of it to quickly sketch this cowboy playing his guitar.  I drew it with a black Sharpie, and occasional outlines with a Tombow pen and a little bit of water, then I added colored pencil.  This sketch is done on 8 x 6" mixed media paper.  Thanks for looking!


Gatepost productions said...

Love it!

hmuxo said...

Very nice Connie....I like this one very much....

R's Rue said...


Connie Chadwell said...

Thanks so much, Regine - very happy you dropped by!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Hilda - thanks so much!

Connie Chadwell said...

Wow - thank you, John! And congrats on the boat!

Aimeslee Winans said...

I like this guy, he's enjoying what he's doing and connecting. You captured that, xoxo

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Aimeslee - You're right- he definitely made me feel he was contented - thanks for stopping by!