Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sketch of the Model Cinda - original portrait sketch

I had plans to put in a vase of flowers in back of Cinda, but, alas, didn't have enough time.  Always the story.  Did this with Caran d'Ache pastel pencils.  They are heavenly!  Not too powdery and really good for drawing.  It's on Art Spectrum smooth, which is delightful to work with.  I love Art Spectrum's lightly toothed paper for oil pastels because it really grabs the oil pastels, but this smoother one is perfect for pastel pencils and doesn't grind down the points.  Thanks for stopping by!


hmuxo said...

Beautiful expression on her, Connie!!! I really like this paper as well.

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Hilda - yeah isn't this paper just the greatest?! Glad you like it too!