Sunday, March 12, 2017

Woman Reading - original pastel pencil figurative drawing

This pastel pencil drawing is actually on bluish Art Spectrum Colourfix paper, but for some reason, it looks kind of beige here.  Otherwise, the colors are correct.  I love having a model for even a short time, so didn't work on the chair at all - just concentrated on the model, because all models do tire after awhile.  And sure enough, she finally had enough and that was that.  It was great while it lasted, though.  Years ago, I used some CarbOthello pastel pencils in art class and I loved them, but haven't used this medium since.  Got to thinking about them and just hauled off and treated myself to a whole set of CarbOthellos.   They are delicious, plus I think changing one's medium from time to time is good for the soul!  Thanks so much for stopping by!


Gatepost productions said...

That one is drawn with feeling!

With a wife, a daughter, four granddaughters and two great granddaughters .... all of whom are avid readers ... I recognise the pose.

Really beautifully rendered, Connie.

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi John - I really appreciate your comment - makes me feel I captured something! Thanks for stopping by!

Sandra Busby said...

Wow... Really love all of the sketches I have seen here... So much movement and energy! I particularly love this one... and I used to be a ballerina many moons ago, so those of course have caught my eye too :0)

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Sandra - nice to see you here!