Monday, March 20, 2017

Sketch of Jana in Trois Crayons - original figurative drawing

Fooling around with trots crayons today - basing this drawing on a charcoal one where I sort of pestered someone to pose for me (sigh) I can be so tiresome.  So while listening to The Creation of Anne Boleyn by Susan Bordo - yummy for us English history buffs - I did a quick sketch using the big three.  Maybe not the best example, but something that's not my usual.  It's on bluish Colourfix paper - thanks so much for stopping by!


Sandra Busby said...

It's amazing that you have captured such a thoughtful expression, yet with such little detail! It really is masterful! I am really enjoying your work Connie... Makes me feel inspired to draw figures :0)

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Sandra - so glad you like this - am really enjoying your blog, as well!