Saturday, February 18, 2017

On My Easel - Two Geishas - original oil pastel figurative in progress

Here's a little of what I was working on today.  The support looks like canvas, but isn't.  I applied gesso to panel with a bristle brush that one would use to paint woodwork.  With the first layer going up and down, and the next one side to side, the effect is more like canvas.  I only needed two layers because the panel was already gessoed.  It's really fun and instructive to paint a 7 x 5" because it's so intimate and also easier to work out problems or go in a different direction.  For instance, I'm now more interested in the geisha in the back and want to explore that a little more, possibly in a larger piece.  I think it's the values that are appealing in the back geisha.  For me, it's always the values!  Will probably finish this on Tuesday.  Thanks for stopping by!

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