Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sketch of Shelley - original charcoal portrait drawing

I did this little sketch on 10 x 8" Strathmore 403 paper.  I'll consider it finished, especially since the model loved it and will probably buy it.  Although this was mostly vine charcoal, I had forgotten how nice it is to have nice sharp charcoal pencils - in this case General's Primo and the Ritmo brand pencil I used many years ago.  I wasn't able to find Ritmo for such a long time, but it's back and as good as ever.  But I think my favorite now is the Primo - really deep blacks and a smooth application - very nice charcoal pencil.  Thanks so much for visiting!

1 comment:

hmuxo said...

Excellent portrait Connie and no surprise that the model would buy it! I've never worked with charcoal but would like to someday.... When I sketch for a portrait I always start with my pastel pencils....