Tuesday, March 01, 2016

On My Easel - original charcoal portrait of Lindy

I have a number of things to fix here, but thought it was far enough along that you can tell what it is.  Used charcoal sticks on Strathmore drawing paper 17 x 14".  Thanks for stopping by!


hmuxo said...

Excellent work Connie....

Connie Chadwell said...

Thanks so much, Hilda - I appreciate it!

Jeff Oxley said...

I think this is the second time lately that you mentioned you needed to go back fix a piece that looked absolutely nailed to me. Is this the same model as Feb 11? Good stuff nothing needs fixing imho.

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Jeff - No, not the same model, but I can definitely see why you might think that. Very flattered by your comments. You are the design king, so I am extremely appreciative! Thank you!