Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sketch of Moira - original oil pastel portrait drawing

I've drawn and painted this model before and it was great to have her as the model again. She holds the pose so well - I'm not at all sure I could do that.  This drawing was done on 14 x 11" Art Spectrum Colourfix paper,  using gloriously gooey Senneliers.  Colourfix is thought of and advertised as a surface for soft pastel, but it is absolutely perfect for oil pastel - its surface allows the application of multiple layers.  If you like working with oil pastel, do give this paper a try.  Thanks so much for stopping by!


hmuxo said...

Beautiful portrait Connie! She's a lovely model!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Hilda, I probably didn't do her justice, but you know how it is in drawing group - just doing what I could in the time limit - thanks so much for your comment - I appreciate it!

myra anderson said...

she's beautiful!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Myra - it's great hearing from you!