Tuesday, September 15, 2015

On My Easel - The Flapper - original oil figurative painting in progress

Here's what I was working on today while listening to a book that deals with the 1920s, Only Yesterday, which I had to read in college, but which I get much more out of now, plus The Sleepwalkers, by Christopher Clark, about the events leading up to WWI.  So, it follows, I guess, that I want to paint a flapper.  This is only the very beginning of this piece as you can tell, and I hope it will turn out well, but, sigh, hoping is no guarantee.  It's on 10 x 10" stretched canvas.  Thanks for looking!


Anthony Duce said...

Like the feeling emoted. I do like this creating of images beyond the model and placing in a setting.

hmuxo said...

This is another favorite Connie! Love the flapper days and you captured it perfectly !

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you Hilda - I appreciate your comment - you always encourage me - really nice!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thanks so much Anthony - I really appreciate your dropping by!