Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sketch of Boxers - original oil pastel figurative drawing

As a little kid, I watched the 'fights' on TV with my father - a brutal sport, I know, but I admire the superb conditioning of the contestants.   I'm thinking about doing more of these drawings, possibly long panels of them.  This one was done on carton paper, 7 x 5".  Thanks for stopping by!


Anthony Duce said...

I likeā€¦ Did some similar sketches of fighters earlier this week.

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Anthony!

hmuxo said...

My comment didn't post so I needed to tell you that I love this painting...I as well, sat with my Dad on Friday nights when I was young...I remember my mom didn't like the fights and I didn't want him to sit alone..!
I have many reference pictures of him fighting also..he was a lightweight....and I always said that someday I would like to paint him...maybe I will.

Connie Chadwell said...

Oh, Hilda - I love hearing this. My father did a little amateur boxing when he was young. My mother wouldn't watch the matches, so I sat with him. Just think, over a thousand miles away - we were doing the same thing for the same reasons. You really should paint your Dad - that would be so special! Thanks so much for your note - I love it!