Monday, July 28, 2014

Sketch for Cowboy Painting - original charcoal figurative sketch

I've done and redone and redone this one again and again - my painting teacher used to say 'just start another one', but since it's charcoal and easily erased on this canvas with hardboard backing, I just ignored the little voice in my head and went ahead with it.  I'll spray it well - have never done this before, but I hear it works - and paint over it, making changes as I go.  Anyway, it was fun and instructive, which I guess is another way of saying that I was learning from my mistakes.  It's 16 x 20" - thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

I love how you did the horses, Connie!

I've been taking a small sketch book with me and doing daily sketches. But I use a Parker pen, this makes sure they are all quick and "sketchy" :)

myra anderson said...

it's fantastic!

cohen labelle said...

Great post, Connie. Artists have a tendency to be notoriously hard on themselves. With all your adjustments, you've laid the groundwork for a great painting!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Marcia, for your nice comment - you've made me feel much better!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you Myra - I appreciate it!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Lucy - thank you! Great idea with the ink sketches you're doing - I'm a big fan of that method!