Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Nude on Green - original oil pastel nude painting

Another favorite art pastime - nudes drawn quickly and without much thinking and analyzing.  I LOVE painting this way - it just makes my heart sing!  A dab of color here, a line there - it probably sounds haphazard and, of course, not everything turns out the way I'd like - but
it's still a real joy.  This painting is on 5 x 7" grey Pastelbord.   Thanks so much for stopping by Hackberry Street Studio! Sold

1 comment:

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Rose and thank you so much! I visited your blog and LOVE your oil pastel paintings. Plus the name, ahhh, it's so beautiful! It's a real treat to visit a blog that's devoted to oil pastels. I have an oil pastel blog, too - I can rave on and on about oil pastels. Maybe I'll just email you - there's probably not enough room here for me to sing praises to ops. Thank you again for stopping by - see you soon!