Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nude Facing Away II - original charcoal life drawing of a nude

If the model didn't take a break, I could just fiddle with the drawing forever, but, thankfully, she does, and I can't wear out the paper.  Here's a short pose - I think it was fifteen minutes - that I did with vine charcoal and a kneaded eraser.  The darkish blob in the upper left corner is what's left of an earlier drawing of the model that I erased, mostly, anyway.  I had originally planned to have three or four figures, but changed my mind.  This one is about 8 x 8" or a little less, on Strathmore 400 drawing paper.  Do you ever have the feeling - when the model leaves the stand - that you could or should have done more?  I always do!  Oh well, that's why I/we keep coming back, I guess - looking for that perfect moment.
Thanks so much for stopping by - I really appreciate your visits! Sold


Pom Pom said...

Beautiful! I think it's just right!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you for your nice comment, Pom Pom - I'm so happy to see you here!