Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Sketch for Tango Fantasy - original charcoal figurative drawing

This drawing is one I did to work out a tango position for a painting.  Although I will make some adjustments to it, I am mostly pleased.   The painting won't be exactly the same as the drawing, though.  No matter how I try, these characters have minds of their own and won't let me do just anything I want.  I did learn how to transfer a drawing to canvas or board for painting years ago in art class, but I never use it because I like the unpredictability of doing it my way.   
I went to the art store on Saturday to get only one thing and walked out with much, much more.  One of my new acquisitions was a General's pencil set #15, which is what I used on this drawing.  I drew this piece on Strathmore Bristol board, also new.  Don't you just love new art supplies?  They're so fresh and untouched - and then the madness begins and they're never the same. 
On a totally different topic, I've included some photos of a couple of my blooming Cenizo bushes.  They're reputed to predict rain, and I'm hoping that's true.  It worked the last time they bloomed - we got over three inches!  The bees are just going crazy with so many blooms - I can hear the low hum of their buzzing as soon as I walk out onto the porch.  Cenizos have lots of names - purple sage, Texas rain sage, and Texas silverleaf are a few.   Whatever the name, here's hoping they're accurate in their weather forecasting this time around!
Thanks for stopping by! Sold


myra anderson said...

what an excitingly (sp) beautiful drawing! the woman looks so feminine and lovely and the man looks so masculine and in control - to convey that in a drawing - WOW!

hmuxo said...

An absolutely beautiful sketch, Connie! You're right about new art supplies...going to an art store is like going to a Candy shop!!

Sheila Vaughan said...

I think this sketch is beautifully drawn Connie. Did you use vine charcoal or charcoal pencil? Looks a bit like a combination.

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Sheila and thanks so much for stopping by. I started this with some vine charcoal, but mostly used charcoal pencils and then used a tortillon here and there. Thanks again!

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Myra. I loved doing this one in black and white and I'm glad you like it!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Hilda - isn't it fun? I always have to restrain myself at the art store!