Thursday, April 08, 2010

Flute Practice - original oil pastel portrait painting by Connie Chadwell

This oil pastel is on Pastelbord and is 8 x 10".  I did this one today at the Thursday Painters, using combinations of my drawings.  Fun to do - hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for looking!


Anonymous said...

So lovely, Connie~!

Ralph said...

Of course I love it as I do all your painitngs they capture the mood and the moment I can almost hear the music. My daughter played the flute and this painting reminds me of the days she played with me as I led meditations and she played soft music of her own making.

Anthony Duce said...

Like the flute player a lot. She looks so alive, playing something of joy I would suspect.

Connie Chadwell said...

That sounds lovely, Ralph, and it pleases me to know that my painting brings back such nice memories!

Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Anthony - thanks so much for your comment - glad you like the painting!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! very lovely

Connie Chadwell said...

Thank you, Morgaine - great to see you here!