Hi everybody! I was away for a few days and haven't posted in awhile, but am currently working on more paintings.
This drawing is from a series of one-minute gestures that I did in a life drawing session I attended last week.
There is nothing like drawing from life! I draw people every day, but usually it's just someone who's going about his or her daily routine, so it's always a pleasure to have a professional model in front of me.
These quick charcoal gestures are on 18 x 24" Strathmore drawing paper.
Thanks so much for stopping by Hackberry Street Studio!
You've really captured the essences of her poses and the grouping is wonderful. Nice one.
Wow... you are fast and accurate. These are amazing for one minute pose captures. Kudos!
lovely and fresh
Thank you, Dale!
Thank you, Diana, I had forgotten what hard work doing lots of one-minutes can be. Great arm exercise, though!
Thanks Naquaiya - I love doing those really short poses!
Hi Connie,
After seeing your blog, I now know why my blog was rejected by The Daily Painters. I am now motivated to be more committed to painting every day and making the necessary changes to my blog. Your work is amazing.
Hi Joan - I'm very flattered by your nice comment - and your work is just lovely - so fresh and loose!
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